Saturday, August 25, 2007

How could I FORGET?!?!?!

Brad and I had been batting back e-mails for awhile, concerning the possibility of doing something fantastic combining music and drama near Christmas. AKA... A Christmas MUSICAL perhaps?!?!?!? Saweet!

So, he told me he had been looking online for possible musicals to perform. I dashed the idea a bit saying 'why not just write our OWN script...while setting it to both contemporary and classic Christmas songs? It's always cool to use music the audience is familiar with, but have it actually apply to a character."

Then I told him about See Me Through and continued to boost my idea. About twenty minutes later, I recieved this e-mail:

Exciting News!

We are planning on doing a Christmas Musical this year on a Sunday morning in December. The exact date has not yet been set - but we have been given the go-ahead. Along with our drama team headed up by Corrie Killmer - we will be writing and producing our own drama/musical using contemporary worship/Christmas songs as well as traditional ones being performed by members of our own Edge worship band.

There will be a number of solos as well as choral arrangements. Anyone seeking to do a solo will need to audition. EVERYONE is encouraged to participate.

Please pray for direction as we begin to prepare for this opportunity to reach our community with the great news of Jesus' birth.

Grace & Peace, Brad


That was just to the worship team, but we'll be posting both acting and singing auditions for the entire church! I'll have to stand my ground about the combining a good vocalist with good acting for solos. Because I don't want a random character to come out and sing a title song that doesn't apply to them unless it FITS the story. We all know how that bothers both Kelly and myself.

So there! Dreams are coming true my friends! Make way, make way! *HAPPY DANCE*


1 comment:

Nickel said...

Congrats! :)