Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life is pretty good right now. Today. At this moment.

Tomorrow is the HANSON CONCERT!!! HOORAY! Stop laughing. You don't know what you're talking about. Nikki came to town just for the event, and we can't wait. She showed up at Caribou today to surprise me, and like an idiot, I burst into tears. I haven't seen her for a very long time. It was good!

I am seeing someone, and he's pretty great. We have fun. His name is Nathan, and I kinda like him. We'll see what happens.

I'm sure I have a lot to report...but...I will end with something incredibly gross and uncalled for... so if you don't wanna know, don't read it... but just so I can remember my EXACT misery at this exact moment...


I have my first yeast infection. It's the most miserable thing on the planet. Discharge like cottage cheese. It's disgusting. An un-itchable itch inside and out, and a burning all over...JUST when it starts to get better, my period starts.


How did Corrie get said yeast infection? From the antibiotics she was on for tonsilitis...the 4th time in less than 6 months. It's a lose/lose. Rumor has it I have to get my tonsils out soon. I have an appointment to determine that on October 3rd. On top of all that, my apartment is having spider issues. Why? WHY?!? They're nocturnal though, so I find them in their hiding places during the day and smash them with my spidey-killer. (Broken sandal) It's lethal. I sprayed one to the wall today with hairspray, because it woke up prematurely. They're jumpers! You come at one with the spidey-killer and it jumps at you. AHHH!!! So, now my apartment smells like TreSemme.

Okay, I think that's it for now. I'm making porcupine meatballs. Apparently they were Kelly's favorite back in the day...WAY back in the day. At least that's what mom says. Who knows? There's no porcupine in them. I don't know where the name comes from. Maybe the rice? It's spikey....who knows?

TTFN, friends. Farewell.

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