Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So, here I am on my beloved lap top in the Caribou parking lot waiting for Chris. Doc says tonsils must come out. He says it's a lot harder on adults, and I could be kept out of commission for two weeks. One week at the least. I'm SCREWED! Two weeks no work? Looks like rent money will be difficult to come by. Hmmm...

ANYWAY! Nathan gets home from California in six days. It will be good to see him, I think. We've technically been "dating" for a month, and I will have seen him a grand total of three times. I feel like I'm in another long distance relationship. No! I refuse. Hahaha. So... hopefully things will get better and we can become a somewhat normal couple. We'll see.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Chris texted me to say he's going to be five minutes late. Surprise, surprise. Another day at The Bou. Kill me now.

Later all.

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