Sunday, October 18, 2009

I finished the book. I wrote a book. I wrote a novel. I have no idea what to do next. AHHHH craziness.

There's a lot of crazy going on in my head, actually. Trying to figure out what I want, what should change, if I want what I have or if I have what I want, I have no clue. Is what could be what should be? Or is what is already what I need? If you think YOU'RE confused, you should see what's going on in this brain of mine. Good glory.

I'm missing mom a lot lately. I'm taking a journey to membership class at church, and we had to tell our stories of faith. My story of faith is a rocky one at best. I cried. Then I felt stupid.

I am dating Conrad. I write this down more as a point of reference than anything. Everything, even relationships feel so unbelievably temporary. I am constantly expecting things to end or change dramatically. Maybe that's a side effect from losing my mom. Who knows?

I guess I'm not really in the mood to write. Go figure. And I call myself a writer. Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired. Again. Still. Sleep sounds good. I'll go do that.

Night night.

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