Friday, August 31, 2012

Okay, so maybe I lied a little bit. I've taken a break from the dream for a moment, but that's only because another dream has taken over my focus. It's not a new dream by any means. It's an old dream. It's very much a part of me, and even more terrifying than publication to pursue. I know, that doesn't seem possible. But it is.

There has been something I have been ignoring for far too long. A very large part of me that I somehow managed to successfully banish from my every day life, that I have been severely missing. I can't even begin to explain this... I just hope it all works out.

I was completely honest with myself and others for the first time in about five years, and now I wait. It was very reminiscent of jumping off a cliff, and the fall is taking a lot longer than I expected it to. I thought I would have hit the ground by now, but the ground is taking its time to meet me. Ideally I wouldn't meet the ground at all. I'm hoping for a parachute that I didn't know I had to deploy at the very last minute. Hey... a girl can dream.

I know this is cryptic, but it's not without reason. Hopefully ten years from now I remember what I was talking about. I've been cryptic in past memories, and unfortunately, when going back to re-read this entire blog, I was completely lost. I had no idea what I was talking about back then. I'm thinking this will be different though, because this is pretty much huge.

Here's a hint for my future self. A miracle that began with Scarlett. There you go. You know what that means. So do all the other people that have ever had any part in this miracle of mine. Well, maybe. We will see.

I hope I hope I hope I pray I pray I pray. You know my heart, dear Lord. You know my dreams. You know the plans you have for me, you've told me so. You've shown me what you want for me, and now it's all in your hands. It's completely up to you.

One final thing...


That is all.

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