Sunday, June 01, 2003

Hey there howdy hi how are ya? Me? Oh, thank you dear person for asking. I'm just peachy keen fantastic! What's that? You didn't ask me anything? Well, then! Too bad for you! Because I'm the one making up this fictional conversation, so "you"...whoever you are, should have no say in it! Literally! Because....NEWS FLASH! You don't exist! Okay...

If you've read my journal before, hopefully you've realized I'm not all here, there, or anywhere. I float...

Okay, I am seriously sleep deprived. Guess what! No, I'm not visiting to New York, I'm MOVING there! I hope...maybe? I don't know. We'll see what we see when we see it. If we don't see it, then I have a problem. Yeah, hopefully I too shall have a nanny job in New York. Not too far from my beloved sister methinks. I get my own floor! Meaning multiple rooms, not just the floor....I get walls and ceilings too....!!!

In other news, however not nearly as exciting...the theater banquet was lovely...but not nearly as lovely as the day AFTER the theater banquet. I worked all day on Friday, it was exhausting. Jamie worked too, his first day alone on the job. (I got him a job as a dishwasher at the tea room) I got home, and giddily realized that my pay check from the district center had arrived. (I had to go fill out an application and W4 at the district center, to be officially hired as the assistant theater director) So! I opened it up...and my jaw actually really truly dropped....I couldn't make a single noise! I had gotten paid $300 for the one act. I was expecting less, because I had worked a lot harder on the one act....but the district had calculated all my hours, and do you know what they came up to? Do you KNOW???? $908.72!!!!! I couldn't believe it!'s the deal...

The first person to call me, and say to me, and no other person "My monkey ate all ten of my toe nails with devon cream on top with a side of Queen's Blend jam"...I will take you out to treat, you drive...

Welcome to my world, welcome to my world, welcome to my world of.....boys? That's the only thing I could think of that rhymes with toys....which you would only understand if you've been to the FAO Schwartz in TMOA, or anywhere else...and heard the song that plays when you walk in...I'm gonna go there tomorrow! Well, not necessarily the toy store, but to the mall of america. I have to get Nikki a birthday present...

Speaking of Nikki! Today was her grad party. I knew no one, with a side of strangers. But it was fun, nonetheless. Kelly couldn't come with me, because she didn't feel good. Nate came...the love of Nikki's life...they were salsa dancing on the back deck. I took pictures. Yay for me! I be so dang cool...don't touch me, you'll freeze! I was sly sneaky too...I took pictures through the window....well, not all of them. Anyway!!!

I should go now, because I'm not technically allowed to be online right now. I know, major rebel! More huge energetic can't stop talking about it updates on New York later! By the way...all you people out there...come to Sunnie's grad party! It's Saturday, June 7th...2-6. I'll be expecting you...heh heh heh. Later! E-rok out, bay-bay!

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