Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Hum-de-hum-de-hum... yeah I have no idea either. So! What have I been up to? Easter happened. It was it's usual stress filled event. Fun stuff. Dad only swore twice. (Mom dropped the turkey on the table because he wasn't fast enough, and a bottle of ginger ale exploded all over the living room)I got to talk to BJ so much over the weekend, I was so unbelievably spoiled. It was so much fun! He was on the phone with me forever on Saturday. I got a call to pick Jamie up, so BJ came with...hehe. Then we went to Caribou, then to Festival, and then to Target, and then back home... and we were STILL talking as I started preparing the homemade stuffing for the Easter Turkey. It was so much fun. On Easter he talked to Sunnie. He's making the rounds, introducing himself to the family. Dad's next!

So Easter was all well and good, the usual. I had to work the next morning at 5am, so I went to bed early. I worked with Kate, who wasn't AS crabby, and didn't seem to hate me anymore. It was a long day. Ooh, ooh, ooh! Guess what started yesterday? SUGAR WEEK! I hate my life.

After work yesterday...(it was a double) was Getdown. I slept for a couple hours in between, but it wasn't enough. I was dead on my feet. Caribou is killing me! I was a total zombie.

I was sitting out by the sign-in table during worship like usual, and I ended up talking to Brant. He and I have never had a conversation that lasted more than two minutes, but he's been in my dramas many times. I basically knew him as the guy that Sunnie and every other girl at First Lutheran had a gigantic crush on. He does sort of look like he stepped off of an Abercrombie ad... anyway! I chatted with him for awhile about his upcoming missions trip to Haiti. He leaves this coming Monday. Then he and I ended up discussing how disgusting cute romantic gushy couples are. (I was complaining about how perfect Sunnie and Paul are.) Fun conversation.

So, I made it through Getdown, and then I went home and fell asleep, and woke up when BJ called. Always a welcome sound.

Today I opened again, and worked drive-thru again. I worked with Kelley, and I was in the strangest mood! She was just laughing at everything I said. She'd hand me a mocha, and I would be like (in a deep manly voice) "Thank you, for all your cooperation!" And she'd just lose it. I was such a weirdo. At sunrise, I started singing "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler On The Roof, and then she was talking about nature around 9am, and I was like "Boy ain't nature fascinating, when you's gotta walk!" which brings me to my current mood...

I have re-fallen in love with my Newsies soundtrack, and I just can't stop listening to it! I'm listening to it right NOW! I love it so much. I wish I could dance like they do, because I would do it all the time! I have no coordination though...I'd end up looking like a clown on speed, which isn't too hard for me to imagine...anyway!

"When you've got a hundred voices singing, who can hear a lousy whistle blow!" It's just so fantastic! Anyway...I've been singing it at work, and Adam and Jon join in whenever possible. It's so much fun. But I was soooooo out of it! I was walking into everything. And Jon mopped by the drive-thru, and I KNEW he did, and normally I take all necessary precautions...but today I felt like falling down. Yes, yes I did. I tripped over the stress mats SOOO many times...I was just laughing so hard at myself.

Someone left a necklace in the tip jar today...a gold chain with a glorified flip-flop sandal charm on it. Elke came up behind me and put it around my neck...yah... "So they gave their word, but it ain't worth beans! Now they're gonna see what 'stop the presses' really means!" Ah...I love Newsies.

So, yeah. I think I was supposed to have a meeting today, but it never happened. Oh, well. I feel so un-good. Curses to sugar week. You're ruining my life! Hahaha. I'm such a freak. Well, that basically brings me up to now. EXCEPT! I had a fun conversation with Aunt Jackie Easter night...hmmm

Basically the topic of me moving down there came up once again. She told me to start saving so I can get a car when I get there, and she'll help me have a job lined up, I'd be a built in Melody babysitter, I'd get Missy's room, and I'd run a new drama program, and be on the worship team. WHOA! That happened fast! Can't say I'd refuse! Every reason I've found NOT to consider that option has been squashed. Seriously... everything I want seems to be down in the southern direction. Hmmm...I wonder if it's what GOD wants for me? I hope so...

So, that's that! I'm gonna go lie down and moan in misery and cover my head with a pillow. After I take some more medication. Oh yeah...I choose numbness please!

OH MY GOSH! DUH!!! Sunnie's in the hospital right now. I'm such a spacey moron! She is getting her gall bladder out! Oh, what a horrible sister I am. It's a huge deal, and I've been making it a huge deal, and then I forget to mention it. I couldn't go because i THOUGHT I had a meeting, but...I didn't? Argh. But Paul came to be with her, and dad took the day off. So she's got mommy and daddy and Paulie boy...I wish I could be there too. I love my little sister. She's a pearl...really. It's taken a lot of hard work for her to become the person she is now. She's always been beautiful, but now she's polished.

So, anyway...now I'm done. I swear. I'm done. I swear. Bye.


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