Sunday, July 31, 2005

Everything hurts. My head is pounding, my back and neck and shoulders feel like they're being torn apart. The past couple of days have been so roller coaster emotional, that there was a lot of tension built up. Now that the tension is subsiding, it's melting away and my body is experiencing the aftermath. It HURTS. I can barely move. I don't think I'm going to church today. We'll see.

So what happened in the last couple of days to make me feel like that? The briefest explanation possible:

1. I won the "Service excellence award" at Caribou

2. I almost killed Jon

3. I went to Grammy's and got the best news of my life.

4. Had to run to the bathroom before acting on it.

5. Called and spoke with RJ HELTON!!! - talked about Plan See and See Me Through! He wants to be involved! He asked for my phone number! We'll "Be in touch"!!!!!!!!

6. Had to sit still and concentrate on a movie with GRammy.

7. E-mailed RJ Helton the rest of my information, as per his request.

8. Went home to thaw

9. Talked to Nikki, who freaked out with me and got me all excited again.

10. Had bad chicken, a fight, and threw up.

11. Worked Slice of Shoreview and didn't really have to "work at all"!

12. Almost died from heat exhaustion.

13. Went home and talked to BJ for hours and fell even more in love with him.

Sound like fun? Well, it was a lot to handle. I'm exhausted beyond belief. Pain is an understatement. I need a full body massage. My head is spinning...and not just from the good news, actually feels like it's spinning. I walked down the hallway this morning and almost fell over. What fun says I! Not so good. Well, I guess I better get going and finish my laundry. Wee! I'm excited. Later taters.

Taters, precious!


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