Thursday, July 28, 2005

Today was a good day! No JON! Wee! Although, he got there ten minutes before I got off, and he thought it would be f un to try and balance a sample cup with coffee in it on my head. Karley, tryinig to save me and possibly him from my wrath said "I wouldn't do that, Jon. Corrie's not in a good mood." Which I was almost offended by, until Karley explained later that she said that to save me...anyway, he said "Well, I always bug Corrie." Uh....then stop!

So, no Jon = instant better mood! Making pretty good tips (which I am hiding all of in my glove compartment.) Worked til 11, came home, drove Jamie to work, took a nap, woke up, picked Jamie up (while parking illegally because Marketfest prep had begun and the roads Downtown were blocked...)then I played with the TiVo, then I read some of a really boring book, talked to Kelly, talked to Grammy (who I made plans with for tomorrow) and now here I am!

Elke came into work today, but she didn't talk to me. ( I was too busy and she was too busy) She took the t ime off schedule for August with her, and she's been gone all week so I haven't been able to request days off. So yesterday I left a note. It said something to the effect of:

"Elke- the August schedule hasn't exactly been around, but I'm hoping a months' notice is enough notice. If it isn't, that's really sad. See, my sister is moving home on August 20th, and she and I have decided to take a road trip to Alabama August 25th-30th. She desperately wants to meet BJ and I desperately want to go. You see I'm sad, lonely, pathetic and in love. I really hope the time off schedule isn't full. If it is, I might do something stupid. I'm crazy! - Coco. "

Haha! So when I got in this morning, I realized my note was no longer in her box. She came in yesterday and must have taken it with her. Which hopefully means she was writing it on the schedule FOR me. WEE! I'm kinda going either way so it doesn't really matter.

So, nothing much else to report. Tomorrow (Friday) is a normal workday, but Saturday I'm working at a fair called "Slice Of Shoreview". With who? Just Elke and ANthony. I must be their favorite. Or they want me to die...we'll find out.

More later I'm sure!


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