Friday, August 05, 2005

I hate Bou Gourmet. It's too much work. It's not all it's cracked up to be. The customers don't like it. Bah...oh well. I got talked up to the vice president of the entire Caribou corporation. Interesting...

Is it possible to die from missing someone? I think it is. Am I close? I feel like I am, but I hope I'm not. I only have to make it until August 25th, and then I'll be okay. Until I go back home. And then I WILL die, pretty sure of it. Or at least part of me will until I see him again. Am I pathetic? Yes...probably. But I'm in love. That's allowed, right? It has to be.

What else is going on? RJ Helton e-mailed me back. He's going to read the script when he gets back from LA in 2 weeks. AHHH! If I die, that would be the thing that does it. Nervous anticipation. Freaking out. I keep reading the script which is probably a bad idea, because I'm so critical of it, that I'm starting to hate it, and I don't want to! I won't love it until it "passes". That's so stupid, and yet it's true. Grrr...

I don't feel like writing, even though I'm sure there are things to write about. Let me think... work work work... hmm... yeah I really can't think of anything else to write/complain about. I'm at the library again. Today is pay day! This lady today in the DT paid for a 4 something dollar drink with a 20, and we didn't have enough change because EVERYONE was paying with 20s, so Karley went to go get change, but the lady just grinned and said "Keep it". and gave us over a $15.00 tip! We were so happy. GRanted it had to be split 8 ways, and then 10 ways after 6am. But it still brought the dollar total to 7-8 dollar bills a person. We usually never get more than 2.

So that's my news for today. I'm sure I'll have something more interesting to talk about some other time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you so much. You are the human source of my existence. God gave me you to "See Me Through" this life by being the blessed woman you are. You are perfect for me in everyway. I love everything about you. You are my piece of Heaven during my visit in this world. Never use the word "hate" in regards to anything about you. The script is perfect, and it WILL pass the test. God gave it to you so who can say it isn't perfect? I'd better go because I have you on hold while I write this. I Love you and I'll talk to you now. "Hello, my Angel!"