Monday, March 06, 2006

BJ! I updated MY journal. Now it's YOUR turn. Bwa-ha-ha. Kidding...maybe. Actually I'm not. Do I talk about you too much in here? Maybe I you think people get sick of it? I don't like sick people. Bah! I'm terrible. I am sick people. Anyway. I love you, I'm not ashamed. Being here in Alabama, you naturally are a part of every story. I don't know enough people to have stories aside from you quite yet. Not complete stories, anyway. ANYWAY! I've had a song stuck in my head for about a week now. I think mayhaps I shall write part of it down, just for giggles and what not. Ya think?

Cool. I will do that. I enjoy lyrics, I do I do! (I also believe in fairies...) Oh! And I had something to tell Kelly. Momentary pause whilst I think of it...nope I simply can't recall. Oh well. The song then!

Shout out to the brothers Hanson!!

A Minute Without You (snippets of, anyway)

...When the minutes seem like hours
And the hours seem like days
When a week goes by
You know it takes my breath away
All the minutes in the world could never take your place
There's one thousand four hundred forty hours
In my day

...well I can't keep myself from thinking 'bout you
It's because I love you and I know that's it's true, yeah
Call it desperation, can't you see it in my eyes?
That I want to be with you
Until the sun falls from the skies!

Oh so appropriate bubble gum, dontcha think? Gotta love it! Anyway...2 entries in one day! I'm SMOKIN! Later taters!


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