Monday, March 06, 2006

All right. I intend to keep my no whining promise for as long as possible. Ahem. So! Was that last entry from Friday? Yes. Pretty sure it was. So I lived out the rest of the day, waiting somewhat patiently for BJ to call when he got off work. (Can't help it, I just LOVE him!) He called awhile after he did, telling me a story about how his dad had borrowed his truck, but hadn't returned it by the time he got off work, and so it was missing.

ANYWAY. He eventually said he had to go because he was pulling up to Winn- Dixie to buy himself some drinks. So, I reluctantly said goodbye and hung up. I was watching Peter Pan (the live action movie from a couple years ago.) After awhile, one of my theories started to develop in my head.

Here's what you have to know about my theories/fantasies. I have a theory about my theories. No matter what they are...any scenario I come up with in my head...if I've thought of it, that completely eliminates the possibility of it really happening. Sound silly? Well it's the truth. Nothing I predict ever happens. I come up with entire scenarios, and most of them I can just stop it from taking place. Anyway. BJ was at the store, and I developed a theory.

I thought to myself... "Self that is me, Corrie...why would BJ not be able to talk to me in the grocery store? I had heard that he was in his truck and asked where he was going. I've got it self! BJ didn't want you to know how LONG he was in his truck, so he said he had to go! But he didn't...he's on his way here to surprise you! YES!"

And then I got mad at me for sabotaging possibility. Now I had completely erased the scenario from possible occurence. That's when I started to pray. "Please, God. Please please please let me be right this time. Please let me be right. I need to see him so badly. Please, please, please..."

About an hour passed after that, and I was still praying. I scolded myself for being stupid. Just because you don't hear from BJ for over an hour means nothing! That's BJ. But still...I was hopeful. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth just in case. Then I told myself I was stupid again. I waited, and waited. Holding the phone in my hand whilst I watched Peter Pan (that's my poem for the day) waiting and saying my little prayers. Suddenly, I heard a car pull up into the parking lot. I immediately jumped up and peeked through the blinds. IT WAS BJ!!!! I WAS RIGHT!!! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!

So, I literally jumped up and down and did a happy dance. BJ called my cell phone, pretending that he wasn't really there. I played along. He asked my plans for the night, and I couldn't wait. I opened the door, and there he was! The most wonderful sight I had ever seen! (Again...because I always feel that way when I go for a while without seeing him. No matter how small the while is...)

After our little reunion, we went up to visit Benlee and chatted for a bit. Then we went back down and watched "The Last Of The Mohicans". Good movie. I love it. SO! Friday ended up being really good. I had an excellent night.

Saturday I was still sick, but more with lung issues than sugar week issues I think. Benlee brought me breakfast from Chik-fil-A, and chai from Starbucks. What a sweetheart! I loved it. I spent the day organizing my stuff again, and going through some old video footage.

Sunday, Benlee was kind enough to drive to Montgomery so I could go to church with BJ. Benlee joined us, and I think it was a good sermon for Benlee to hear! He and Kelly will be looking for their own church, I hear. The sermon was about what the book of Acts says a church SHOULD be.

After church, BJ treated Benlee and I to Tenda- Chick (everything down here is chicken) and it was really good! We sat for a couple hours just chatting away. It was fun. Benlee got to hear all about my teachers from highschool. (since he IS one...I guess he could appreciate those stories more than most)

After lunch, we went to the mall to look for a couple movies. Sam Goody and Suncoast are closing there, and those are BJ's favorite stores. He ended up getting two he's been wanting for a long time. He was a happy boy. After the mall, BJ and I went to the nursing home to visit a friend of his, Georgia. She was very sweet. She told me BJ picked a good one (meaning me). She was so sweet. She smacked him around a few times about school. That was cute...

After that, BJ and I came back to my apartment and finished up Alias season 3. One more season to go, and then we've got to wait for the 5th and final season. Sad, sad, sad. We do love it so.

I guess that's it for now. Life's not without troubles, but if it was, it wouldn't be life, right? I'm hoping to feel like myself again within the next couple days. Parts of me wish I coud just sit in the closet and not move until Kelly gets here. Is that stupid? I don't think so. BJ can come sit in the closet with me.

More later! Bye now.


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