Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday morning report... BJ's truck was broken into last night. The passenger window was smashed in, glass everywhere. They took his CD player, and his entire CD collection, about 120 CDs. Instead of getting angry, he was just grateful he had taken the laptop into the house already, and they didn't take his French Horn. That thing cost more than his truck anyway, and he would never be able to afford another one.

I feel really bad about it, but BJ handles things like this so graciously. If nothing else, he hopes they listen to his CDs. They're 90% Christian artists, so mayhaps he started an unintentional ministry. That would be cool.

SO! If anyone has any CDs they think BJ might like, or can burn copies of CDs he used to have, that would be awesome. I would not be above posting a complete list of what he had. I wish I had the CDs he had so I could make him copies. The only ones he and I both had, were a few movie soundtracks, (RENT in particular) and RJ Helton. He lost all his favorites though. All his Third Day, Mercy Me, WOW CDs... etc etc.

His truck was parked in the street. So was my car, but I'm guessing Kelly's copies of the Evita soundtrack, and the Aida soundtrack scared them off. Who wants to steal showtunes? Nah. Definite deterrent.

So that's the update for now. Hope all is well with you and yours. BYE!


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