Thursday, December 08, 2011

I am getting older in one week. Well, I suppose I get older every day. But my official birthday is one week from today. I will be 28 years old. I started this blog nine years ago. Is that insane or what? Wow...

I have been re-reading old entries, and try not to laugh at the things I was so concerned about before. So many of those things ended up being so trivial. Life got so much more REAL.

I am in a pretty great place right now. I'm not completely sure that I've reached exactly who I want to be yet, but I feel like I'm getting closer. Writing certainly helps.

I am actually somewhat excited for Christmas this year. Although I don't have the money I wish I did to buy everything I wish I could. Conrad is so generous with his gift giving, and I know we joke about there being a competition, but I really do feel like the loser. I just feel like I can't ever get him what he wants, and I feel really bad about that.

I love that he loves Christmas as much as I do. It's really exciting to get excited with someone else. Fuels the fire!

I got Izzy's picture taken with Santa last night. It was so cute!!! I felt a little cheesy, but since Sunnie is working as a Santa's helper this year, I got the pictures for free. So hey, why not?

The hardest part of any holiday of course, is missing Mom. I don't think that will ever go away. Her heart, her traditions, her passion for entertaining. Her touch is everywhere this time of year. I love and miss her so much... I wish I had someone the least bit comparable to her somewhere around, but I don't. There's a bit of her in each of my sisters, but that's as close as it gets. She was truly a one of a kind...

Well, tonight is Disney on Ice with Crystal and the kids, and I'm pretty excited. I really hope to get back into the swing of the writing thing. It will be good.

If you read this, I'm pretty sure I love you.

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