Monday, December 05, 2011

Wow.... it has been a long time. Life has changed a lot. A ton.

I have made a lot of new friends through strange connections. It's been good. I quit CARIBOU!!!!!!!!! Best day ever. A lot of friendships slipped through the cracks with that decision, but I knew they were strictly work relationships anyway. No loss there.

Conrad and I were engaged, then broke up in July of 2011. As of now, we are back together. Second chances and all that. We will see what happens.

What else, what else? I have a job now that I really love. It's called Lulu and Luigi, and it's a Pet boutique and "Grooming Pawlour". How cute is that? I love it. And I can bring my doggies to work with me. I really enjoy my new co-workers. This is a good job.

My closest friend right now is Crystal. She and I are going to go visit Kelly in January. Kelly was living here for a little bit. From November to the beginning of July. It wasn't as permanent as some of us expected it to be.

I don't live alone anymore. I moved out of my downtown White Bear apartment. Jamison lives there now with his girlfriend Dana. They love it. I don't blame them. I moved short term into an apartment attached to a house owned by a friends' parents. I loved it there, but I was needed elsewhere.

After Kelly left, I took over the "living with daddy" duties. We've all had our turn, and now it's mine. I never believed Sunnie and Kelly when they told me what a challenge it was. Dad doesn't seem to care about anything around the house, and it's literally falling apart. Not to mention he is a tornado of messes. For a neat freak like me, that's not ideal.

Dodger and Izzy love it though. They have a yard for the first time! Not that Izzy steps a foot off the patio... I don't think I had Izzy last time I posted in here. She's a little Yorkie, and she's adorable. She and Dodger have made my life that much brighter.

Christmas is rapidly approaching, which means I'm about to get a year older. 28. That sounds so old! It feels a little happier this year. A little more holiday-ish. Sunnie and I are getting along really well, and I love spending time with her.

I really want to try to keep up with this thing again. I need to be writing again. I need to be ME! I haven't been that in awhile. I know certain things still need changing in order for me to get there. It's all a process. Lots to learn.

Anyway, I think that's all for now. At least I made like ONE entry this year. 2011. You're almost gone. I'm okay with that. I know 2012 will be awesome. I just have a feeling...

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