Fiction. Fiction, is my life preserver. The minute I allow my head to get lost within a storyline is the moment when I can cease to exist. At least for a little while.
This morning, I couldn't sleep. I gratefully sought refuge within the depths of my DVR, then greedily soaked in the plots of Thursday night's television lineup.
First I sang along to Glee, next up I was swooning over Vampires, followed closely by Reign, and ended with the most realistic family portrayal I've ever seen in Parenthood.
I'm indebted to these television shows, and many others. If only they knew!!
I can't wait for other people to rely on my characters and story-lines just as heavily. How amazing would that be to have that type of impact? That would be a very good thing to focus on right now. I could change lives with my stories. I've never really thought about that before...
MY life has been changed by stories, why wouldn't my stories be able to do the same? It's incredible to think about.
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