Monday, April 07, 2003

Know what I forgot to mention last night? While I was helping my mom with the picture frames, my Dad was attemtping to hang this painting my parents had bought on their anniversary trip to South Carolina. He hit a stud...or whatever he said, and all of the sudden we heard a HUGE crash. I thought it was coming from the kitchen. I ran in there to see what had happened, and didn't find anything. My dad figured out that since he was pounding in one wall, whatever fell would be on the other side of that wall. Which would make that the entryway bathroom.

My dad could barely open the bathroom door. The huge mirror...beautiful mirror...had fallen and shattered. Guess who got to clean it all up?? That was really un-fun. My dad broke it though, right? So I don't get the seven years bad luck. I better not. I've already had 19!

Today, I woke up and got ready for Holly to stop by and grab the "Cocktails With Mimi" T-shirt templates. Then my mom woke up, and I got chores. Then she left to go to granny's house, and I did my chores. Then I went to theater rehearsal. I got the strangest feeling when I was there. No one acknowledged me like usual unless I went up to them...(Except for Lauryn, who is just the sweetest person ever I love her to death!) And yet everyone had the same look. And I'd say hello, and it seemed like they didn't notice.

One person in the cast that I will always appreciate, it Andrew Backenstoss. No matter what's going on, or how much input Megan gives...he will still ask ME the questions, and treat ME like the director. That really makes me feel good. He will say "Corrie, what do you think?" And suddenly my opinion matters again. He makes me feel visible, and I appreciate that sooooooo incredibly much. And he's such a talented actor! If I continue doing this, I hope he does too :) He's an incredibly talented sophomore, and we're lucky to have him !

I left rehearsal early, still feeling ill. It never ends. Then I went up to my room, and fell asleep. For those of you who know me? You know that doesn't happen.

I slept until seven, so it was about 2 and 1/2 hours. Jamie woke me up, telling me Nikki had called. I called her back right away, and was severely disappointed when I was told she wasn't home. I haven't talked to her since she was there when I had that conversation with Tim. I crave talking to her. I hate feeling like that. She's the only person I can't wait to tell everything to. She's so good at being my friend. She doesn't talk to me endlessly about people I've never heard of without explaining in detail who they are. She always makes sure we're on the same page, so we can be there for each other. She appreciates the things I know no one else will. And I appreciate the things she knows no one else will. And Nikki...Ryan Merriman? I'm there with you so far. The only thing I will forever complain about, is that she's so gosh darn busy! I'm glad she is, because the things she's busy with, are things that make her happy. But we go weeks without talking to each other, and it's so dumb! Because when we finally are able to have a conversation, we have hours of things to tell each other that we haven't been able to tell anyone else! And all too often, has she had to say "I have to go..." Before I can tell her absolutely everything. It's frustrating...but I know that when I DO get to talk to her, she'll be the person I need to respond.

Nikki and I have a pretty remarkable friendship. We've never had a fight or any type of argument. Never. There were only two instances that came close...and it wasn't even was far from bad. The first time was last Valentine's day. Before the school year had started, I had invited Nikki and Lurae to share MY senior locker. I was so proud of it..."Yes, you may share it with me...I am so generous..." Well! My dream all through highschool, was to have my locker decorated for Valentine's day. Last year? It was. I couldn't believe it...I was thrilled when I opened it. It was overflowing with chocolate boxes, candy hearts, teddy bears, cute little notes. They were ALL for Nikki and Lurae. Not even a "Happy Valentine's Day, Corrie..." and it was from who I thought was our mutual friend Matt. It was MY locker! Even if they were closer with him than I was...didn't he realize that it would be completely and totally depressing if MY locker was decorated for other people? He knew it was my locker! That's just...not nice. Anyway, unable to say anything to him, I took it out on Nikki and Lurae. I refused to let them enjoy it. Nikki arrived late, and rushed up to me in the foyer to say Happy Valentine's day. I stormed off, and Nikki's jaw dropped. I yelled something at her about "Go look at MY locker!" and an extremely sarcastic "Happy Valentine's Day!" I avoided them for the rest of the day. By the end of the day, I couldn't stand it. I had written her a long letter of apology, and all was well. She gave me a hug, and said she understood, and felt bad about what had happened. She's amazing. That locker thing still has a twang of hurt though....*sniff*

The second and last thing, was when I had been invited to the movie "On The Line" about a month in advance. I was invited to see it with her, and our casual mutual friend Sheri, Sheri's sister, and her sister's best friend. A couple days before the movie opened, Nikki approached me, and told me that she was asked to uninvite me, stating I wasn't part of the group...that they wanted to keep it their N SYNC crowd...I couldn't believe it. I didn't understand why it would matter who was sitting next to you in a dark theater. Tons of people would be there who weren't part of their *N SYNC seemed so silly to me. I started to cry. Nikki drove me to rehearsal in silence. I cried silently the whole way there to myself, staring out the window. It was a Friday, so I wouldn't see her until Monday. Before the weekend was out, she had called me in tears to apologize. I had stopped being mad at her before I had gotten out of the car that day. She just tried too hard to make everyone happy, and didn't quite know what she was doing...

Those are the only conflicts there have been between she and I. Stupid and trivial, right? Exactly. Barely even conflicts! And we've known each other for a long time. Been friends since we met, practically. That's how I know we'll probably be friends til the end of time. It's just that great, yo! Not many people have a relationship like that. In fact, I can't think of anyone. We've never disagreed on anything, we have all the same views,'s unique. We never judge each other, because it would be like judging ourselves. We're too much alike *laughs*. I can always make her laugh, and she can always make me smile. And I made her a mean collage, man! *grins*

Well, I gotta get going, methinks. I have a job interview tomorrow morning! I hope everything goes well, so my mother will stop the threats! Unfortunately, Sunnie failed her driver's test today, so we both have more training to go through. Well, I shall write more later, to let you know all about tomorrow! Later tator. Peace out.

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