Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Well! It seems that I may have a job! *woo-hoo*!! On Tuesday, I had an interview at "The Avalon Tea Room". I think it went really well! They said they would start me at more than I asked for...(which means I would get $8/hr) It seemed like I got the job. They kept saying things like "When you work here..." and "Be thinking about ideas for our theme teas" it seems pretty gosh darn promising!

After my very good interview, I met Kelly over at Keys. She and I split our favorite, the Keys Chef Salad with ranch dressing. Then I ended up spending the whole rest of the day at my grandma's apartment. She was glad I was there...she was having a pretty hard time.

Nikki called me over at my Grandma's, and I was so excited! I still hadn't talked to her since I was at her house that night. Anyway, she couldn't talk long (as usual) so we made plans for the next day (Today--Wednesday) to go out to lunch. She has early release now, so she's very excited *grins*

After I left my grandma's later that evening, my mom and I decided to watch "The Color Purple". That is the ONLY movie that makes me cry every single time I watch it! It's unbelievable. It is such a good movie. If you haven't seen should. You really should. It is sooooooo good. After the movie, I was standing in my room, pulling my blanket down, in the dark...when my dad walked in. I greeted him, he didn't respond. He held a piece of paper out to me, and I took it. He didn't say anything, just turned and walked away. I thought I was in really big trouble! But...I wasn't.

The piece of paper he handed me, was an e-mail he had recieved from my old music director from Eagle Brook church. I had auditioned for him a few times, but never got a part. (It wasn't because he didn't like me...the drama lady didn't...don't even get me started on her.) ANYWAY, my dad has become pals with this guy, so he used my dad as a connection to me. The e-mail he wrote my dad was basically asking him to ask me if I would be interested in being the lead vocal/drama performer in their Good Friday service at his new church in Stillwater!!!! He had remembered that I was talented, I guess, and sought me out. We've attended that church only once...I was so excited. I get to be on stage again!! I get to perform! It made me very very happy.

This morning, my mom woke me up, to ask me if I was awake yet. *laughs* Is that not completely and totally ridiculous? Then I stayed in my room as long as hmanly possible...watching the rest of my current "to fall asleep to" movie, "The Temptations". Also a very good movie. Bio pics usually are. I cleaned out Harvey's cage, organized things that didn't need organizing...then I went downstairs to face my list of chores. I will not dwell on the mother problems that occurred today. She's insane, I already know that. No need to illustate all the examples...except one. It made me laugh. She kept insisting she never asks me to do anything, that she does way more than I do. Then she said "Who do you think kept the house spotless last with all by herself?" And I looked her right in the eye and said "Not you." And she pointed at me, and all dramatically said "That's a lie. You know it is. God's listening." I tried so hard not to laugh! Does she honestly think this house cleans itself? Because she can't think she does it...unless she really IS insane...I say it casually, but I think it might be true...I won't go into it, or I'll be writing all night! *laughs*

I did my chores, made some homemade chili in the crock pot to be ready in time for dinner, and then I left with Nikki. Shortest lunch ever between best friends! We had no time. We went to Sbarro, to have a food we both discovered the other one loves as well. Baked Ziti! Then she dropped me off at comment....then I came home. My brother Jamie and I walked up to Super America and bought some pop just for giggles. Then we walked home, and watched Driven: Jennifer Lopez on VH1. Then...*giggles* I watched Dawson's Creek. Then I finished making dinner. Then people ate...then we watched the news as a family, and then Jamie and I let Harvey out and watched him do his gymnastics. And now I'm here! All in all everything is all in all together and pretty gosh darn good. So! Tomorrow, I have no plans until Nikki calls...she and I are going to make cookies for her French teacher, hopefully. And spend some actual TIME together! We need it methinks. Well...good things are going to happen for me soon...I can feel it. Only bad thing? There's a basketball game on instead of That 70's Show. HA!! Well, I'm gonna head on out now. I'll go complain about how stressful the play is becoming in a future entry. I have not the energy now. Later tator! I'm out...peace!

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