Sunday, April 06, 2003

Dang, I done missed a day. Know why? Sunnie and I are now limited to three hours a week. One hour on Monday, one on Wednesday, and one on Thursday. This is so ridiculous, I can't believe it. WHY am I on right now then? Because I'm on illegally. That's right. I'm such a rebel. So I better make this quick!

Yesterday, I did everyone's chores like usual. Drove to Kowalski's, picked Sunnie up, and then was dropped off at my Grandma's for a really exciting day of...watching an old black and white movie, after I made her dinner. Which I love doing, so it's ok! Then I came home, and watched bits and pieces of movies my dad tried to make my mom and I watch...but it just wasn't happening. They were THAT bad. My poor dad, he has really bad cinematic taste...*laughs*

Today, I was woken up by my dad knocking on my door. He and I had to drive to Big Lake to pick up our old couch, which Holly wants to use for the set of the current play. We did that, it was a trial.Getting it, bringing it back to the theater, locked doors, keys, fireplaces...messy. Anyway!

After that Sunnie and I had to go to my Grandma's to help her unload her groceries. Then we ended up staying there for HOURS because no one would come pick us up!

Then we came home, I watched American Dreams, took a shower...then we ate, and then I helped my mom organize picture frames...then I went online illegally. AHH! Why is my life so boring right now? I swear, it'll get interesting soon.

I have a job interview on Tuesday at the Avalon Tea Room. Wish me luck! And by the way...the play? Cocktails with Mimi? April 24-26. So come see it!! Well, I better be going, I hear parental units afoot. PLEASE e-mail me! I feel so out of it without my nightly conversations with all of you loved ones of mine *whines*. Well, anyhoo...peace out, chat at ya later. E-rokin, now we're talkin!

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