Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I am so annoyed! I really am. Last night, I wrote a nice long entry, and it disappeared. Why? Because I got kicked offline. Oh, well. I don't THINK it said anything important. Not entirely sure. So, we'll just do a quick overview of yesterday.

I worked from 5:30-10:30, and then came home to nap, which didn't really happen. Then Ben called to re-make the lunch plans I wasn't sure we really had. He picked me up at noon and took me to Fazoli's. He paid and everything. I was impressed...considering we've never done anything together...ever. It was nice. We got to talk, which we've never really done on a personal level. I wasn't completely comfortable, but... I told him the surface stuff. After that, he and I went to church for our weekly meeting with Perry. HOWEVER...Ben and Perry meet every week half an hour before I get there, so since Ben was my chauffeur, I had to wait in Ben's office for half an hour until they were ready for me.

I was bored. I tried returning a few phone calls, but none of the people i was calling back answered their phones. Oh, well. I wrote one of my famous "i'm never really going to send this letters..." to someone, and then waited. Perry buzzed me...(fun) and the meeting began. It was pointless for me to be there, because they were planning out the next two weeks of Getdown. Yeah...I'm not even going to be in the same state! Oh, well. Sadly, it's the social highlight of my week.

After the meeting, Ben drove me home. He gave me a big hug and made me promise to REALLY take a vacation. Yeah right... I don't know how!

I attempted yet again to return my phone calls, and had success. I had to walk to the north Campus theater to wach another rehearsal of Channel 13, and I talked to BJ for half the way there. I sort of got myself in trouble with him, I think he was somewhat annoyed with me. Oh, well... I'll get better at what I need to get better at...

I watched the rehearsal (which was SOOO good... and I don't say that to praise myself, was the funniest play I have ever seen. I couldn't believe that they were speaking and bringing to life the words that I had written down in that order... lines that I had made up at 3am! It was just so exciting to watch. They did such a good job! I only wish I could be here to see the real thing...

I walked home, and took a nap. I woke myself up at 7 to press record for the WB (Gilmore Girls and One Tree Hill) and went back to sleep. I woke up at nine, and started to watch my video. I went back to sleep at 11 something, and then my nightly phone call happened. Good times.

So that was yesterday! Today...I worked from 5:30 to 10 on the drive-thru. No huge disasters, except I was told I was crabby. I don't think they were serious. OH! One disaster. Since I had to bring mom's car home ASAP, Sam offered to do some of my assigned jobs (we have a list to complete every day for each 'station') so she swept and mopped behind the counter for me. Shortly after that, I decided to um...half leap, half speed walk to the brewed coffee, and did one of those fabulous cartoon like falls. Because my head set cord got caught on the fridge, and my feet slide on the wet floor. It looked just like that scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding! At least I think so. Fortunately for me, only Emily was out there at the time, and she only saw the recovery. Good gracious...

Got off work, went to Target to get all the trip provisions. Took a two hour nap, watched a Lifetime movie with mom, and then it was time to get down to business.

I TOTALLY cleaned out my closet, and then began packing. I spilled shampoo all over my desk...don't ask. I opened the dreaded "summer wear" drawer in my dresser, and was like "This past summer none of this stuff fit.." (See, after coming home from New York, where I lost "stress weight" I gained it all back in happy rejoicing!) I tried on everything in my drawer, and was literally giddy! Everything was too BIG! It was fabulous. I tried on two sundresses mom bought a couple sizes too small to "motivate" me, and they were also a tad too large. YIPPEE! I didn't even have to unbuckle/zip the shorts from two years ago. They almost fall off. Not that I was huge before, but sheesh... good times.

So! I did as much packing as I could, and organized my "In-Van necessities" meaning my entertainment bag... books, computer, DVD player, DVDs, Discman, CDs, Headphones, Power supplies, Travel stuff.

After that I took a shower, made a smoothie, did some laundry, and then watched Smallville! Good show. Now I'm here, writing another pointless entry. Oh, but wait! My favorite part of the week so far!

The one thing Sunnie hates most in this world aside from puking, is the one thing that literally scarred her for life. What could that be? Why none other than the movie "Cabin Fever". It's been a running joke that for each time a gift is to be recieved on her behalf, that I would get this movie for her. She and I saw it in the theater with high hopes for Rider Strong's return to show business. However... she was disgusted beyond words, and can't even say the title without gagging. Well, my dad decided to buy it on clearance at Movie Gallery today. I had advised him against it before, and he'll probably end up returning it...oh, but it was sooooo worth it! I told him to walk into Sunnie's room, tell her he got her something special, and hand it to her. He grinned and said "ok". I shrieked with excitement, calling to him "She's going to throw it at you!" I ran up after him to watch. She was on the phone with Paul, laying on her bed. He walked in, and so sweetly said "Hi, sweetie. I bought you something special. A movie just for you." She was about to smile in return as he placed it on her tummy and walked away. I've never heard a more enraged scream come out of that girl! Dad and I both ducked as the DVD came flying out into the hallway. She was screaming "What's wrong with you!! Why would you do that! You're a terrible person!" I was laughing soooooo hard. Oh...sweet relief. I needed that.

Anyway, I bet there's something productive I could be doing. My laundry perhaps...argh.

Love you all. Forget me not!



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