Monday, January 31, 2005

It's early early in the morning. I have to wake Sunnie up in about ten minutes. Why? Because she has to drive me to work. Why? Because my car is officially dead. We've kept it alive as long as possible, but it has no passed "The Point Of No Return". It's...dead. Finished. Over. And you know what that means? I'm screwed!

This couldn't have happened at a worse time. This vacation is going to suck me dry. Oh, well. I have to live with that. I have to make it through this...just keep breathing... for many people, they don't have to think about 'just keep breathing' whereas I, that's an actual struggle too. Ha! So there...

So, it may have slipped about Kirs going to visit Kelly, or I may have deliberately told mom... I don't remember. That's the honest truth. She doesn't tell them what's going on in her life, and I don't remember that very well. So, they were not that happy about it. After dad talked to Kelly, Kelly was not all that happy about it, so she gave me a call. Yikerby. I felt bad, but mom was like "You did the right thing, Corrie." What did I do exactly?

Mom still has this feeling that Kris is going to kill Kelly, and steal all of Bob and Janet's valuables. Whatever... I'd like to think I know the guy enough to know he wouldn't do that. I'd also like to think I know BJ Very VERY well, and he's friends on and so on. I trust these people, and that's rare.

So... last night I'm talking to BJ on the phone, mom comes in to dump a bunch of crap in my room, and she says "Are you talking to THAT person?" Referring to "the kid who sent you the Christmas card" I told him she said that, and he said I should have handed her the phone. I didn't believe he meant it, but he did. So...he talked to mom for a bit. She now feels much much better after grilling him a bit about Kris. BJ also talked to Jamie, and Jamie gave him a little mini guitar concert, featuring none other than "Sweet Home Alabama". Hahaha!

So, the day ended up with the parentals forgiving me, and hopefully Kelly no longer annoyed with me, and two people I know pretty well being honest about something they weren't honest about before... I feel bad being so cryptic in my own journal, but alas. It is what it is. Time for me to go to work now, so...

Au Revoir mes amies,



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