Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Life is fun! - Or at least it can be - Anyway. Things are getting back to normal. Just needed to breathe. Yesterday was crazy, but possible. I made it work. What am I talking about? I'll explain.

Yesterday was Tuesday...crazy drive-thru shift. But some of my regulars are just so great, it's hard not to smile. They're so sweet! They like me, they REALLY like me! Ba-ha-ha. Anyway! So...crazy shift, went home... mom and I were going to go see Ice Princess, but I knew she would change her mind. She went to "return a few things" and said she'd be back in an hour. HAH! Not likely. It's okay. I took a nap. Then I continued with my back to back viewings of Superman 1-4. I finished #3 and then remembered I had to return a movie to the library.

No car! So I walked. Er...without my inhaler. Oh, well. Wasn't that cold! Except that it was! But I figured out a trick. I had my headphones on listening to RJ Helton. If I can't HEAR how bad my breathing is, I don't panic as much and I'm just fine. I can feel how tight and strained it is, but I'm not as gaspy. Cool, huh? Not really.

I came home and wrote a bit of a little somethin somethin, and then I started #4 at like...a quarter after five. I ate some soda crackers and drank some Sprite. I can't remember the last time I wasn't tired and just plain...ill. I'm creating a monster! I really am. Anyway, anyway. At 6:30 Kathy Stauff picked me up to gow ith her and plan out the Good Friday service. YAY!

No, it was fine. I always enjoy spending time with my sister's boyfriend's mother...weird yet true. But anyway! We read all the scripture readings, and came up with all these scenes, and then we raided the costume room...well, the heater/sewing/junk room... and found costumes for Mary, (me) Mary Magdalene (Sunnie) Peter, John, and Jesus. We needed three guys, so we decided Paul would be one of them, and then we raided the college and young adults group to find two more. And we did! These two amazing lifesaver guys...Joe and Andy. I don't know their last names, but I know they're Jesus and Peter! *whew* We spent a lot of time on it, and my head was spinning. But we got it done. Then I found out something fabulous!

Kathy and Sarah told me they saw the church budget, and there was a new program that they were allocating money to. Guess what it is? DRAMA! There's an existing drama program! I can't believe it! And I'm in charge...that terrifies me. That's...going to be a lot of work. We're going to do a prop and costume drive...I'm in charge...I'm in's mine, mine, mine...

As much as I love the directing aspects, I miss being on stage. I told Kathy that. So what does she do? She calls her sister who works for Oops! Dinner theater. AHHH! That's the same place Becky from The Avalon Tearoom called and told them that "There's a girl in White Bear you need to have on your stage!" Craziness.

So that was yesterday. I was so dead when I got home. Went online quick to check my e-mail. Got one from Perry about upcoming leaders events, and one from Pastor Steve about upcoming sermon series meetings. Lots of hard work on the horizon. But I won't back down!I hope I hope I hope...

Today, got up at the butt crack of dawn and went to work. I WASN'T on drive-thru...I didn't quite know what to do with myself. Aaron is in highschool, so he's the afternoon drive-thru pro, but he took my place this morning...(he's not so good at the morning rushes) and I was his super-glue. (I get everything people order in the drive-thru) For some reason Kate was really in an un-good mood. I can deal with that, really. But...she decided that she would take it out on me, not everyone else. So...she just wouldn't talk to me all day. Okay... I had a blinding headache. Literally. Every few minutes I'd get this horrible pain behind my eyes and semi-black out. Shaking the whip canisters today almost threw me over the edge! I was so overly happy to leave work today. Then I had my "date" with Kristin.

She picked me up, I went over there to visit with her and Edmond. He's...HUGE! So much hair! I took pictures. He's not only walking, he's was almost depressing. I love that little boy so much. He's still so cuddly. No talking yet, but he held my hand and showed me his new world. It was almost like he remembered me. I wonder if he did.

Mike wouldn't acknowledge me presence...oh, well. Whatever. I was there only for a little while. He's such a cute little boy. I love him and miss him so much. So so much.

I came home and tried to get script stuff done. I tried to get things accomplished, but I felt so not good! I went online for a little while, and BJ called me on his break. Then I helped mom in the laundry room and then I fell asleep. When did I wake up? Oh, 8:30!!! What the crap? I missed half of Alias! So I couldn't watch the second half. Then I made myself dinner. And now here I am writing in here!

Mom and Sunnie just came home. Mom bought me an outfit at Old Navy. Yay! *grins* Now I'l talking to Paul and Lee online...but Sunnie needs the internet. She's so funny... she gave me sunglasses because they made her nose look crooked. Te-he-he! She makes me laugh.

So... that's life for now. I work at 5am again, so I should go to bed. Thanks for listening! For those of you who read this...please pray that my health problems stop being problems. I prefer seeing to blindness, and smiles to vomit. So! Love you, take care.


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