Thursday, March 24, 2005

WOO! Yay! That last journal entry took forever to write, and I thought it disappeared! But it didn't! Turns out the ol' gal pulled through. Why is my journal an old gal? Because... I'm so weird. Sheesh.

So! Preparations and nerves away for tomorrow! (Good Friday) Lots of work to do, and no time to do it. All I wanna do is sleep.

Last night I started re-watching "Shattered Glass" because I started watching it a long time ago, and never finished it. So I had to start over. Pretty good so far! Then I had a fun talk with BJ. I'm such a goof sometimes. Bah...anyway! Woke up too early again, and got ready too early again. Checked my some junk from THEN OFF TO WORK! Woo!

I opened with Kelley, who is someone I've come to enjoy more and more. She used to scare the crap outta me, but I've learned how to deal with her. We blast music in the morning whilst we brew coffee and arrange relaxing. We tell stories, complain about Elke...she used to be one of my sister Kelly's best friends...but they haven't talked in a million years. She makes me laugh, she's SOOOOOO sarcastic. So am I sometimes, so it makes for some interesting conversations. If you didn't know us, you'd think we absolutely despised each other.

Then I was on drive-thru. (duh) Busier than any other day recently. I had the worst pressure headache and stomach ache combined...I drank so much water I was floating, and we were too busy for Travis to cover for me. I got to work with both Travis and Aaron, who are two of the highschool kids, and they just crack me up. They're on spring break, so they get to work mornings with me. And oh, yes. It's a priviledge!

Aaron was on bar, and he decided each completed drive-thru drink deserved to be accompanied by a song! So he hummed the hobbit's theme from LOTR every time he handed me one, and I just cracked up. Then we came up with a system. If it was an espresso drink, it got Star Wars. If it was a cold drink, it was LOTR. If it was chai, or another kind of tea, it got Indiana Jones. I was laughing so hard. Then we decided we were in "Caribou the opera" and soprano sang everything we said to each other. Yesterday, Aaron would only respond to me if I spoke to him in a british accent. I asked him why...and in a very BAD accent, he said "Baycuz it would mik may hoppay!" - spelled the way it was spoken.

So work was more enjoyable today. I came home at ate my turkey cherry salad Kelley gave me, and then Mom, Jamie and I went to go see Miss Congeniality 2. Oh, how fun it is to laugh! Mom and Jamie were sitting on either side of me, and I was leaning forward, so they kept leaning behind me to talk to each other. ARGH! Uncool, man. ESPECIALLY when they pulled my hair and put a mint down my shirt. Bah.

So, mom dropped us off at home while she went to Super Target. Jamie went to Matt's so I'm here on my own. Time for a nap! That's what I say! Sleepiness. Dangadoodle! Sunnie's home. My nap will have to wait. I have to go bug her and jump on her or something. She's so fun to annoy. She tickles me, she really does. Paul will be home tomorrow for Good Friday - Easter. He gets to celebrate with both his families. Ours being one of them...well, off I go to pester. HUGS!

Peace, yo.

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