Thursday, May 05, 2005

I'm sick. I'm really sick. I sound like a man. I look like a member of the Adamms Family. I'm mpale with h stringy hair, and horrible dark circles under my eyes. I got sick an instant. I was almsot fine, and then I really wasn't. REALLY wasn't. I was swallowing razor blades. At least that's what it felt like. I worked from 5-12, and by the end of my shift, I was absolutely miserable. I went home and went to bed. Yes, yes I did.

This morning I worked at 6. I knew there was no point at even entertainiing the idea of calling in sick, because Elke just flat out doesn't allow it. If you're ill, she makes you find a replacement for yourself. If you can't, you have to come in and work anyway. She will NOT come in and work for you if she's not already scheduled, and she won't take care of the problem like she's supposed to. It's supposed to be her responsibility, but it just isn't...

So, I worked this morning, and was absolutely miserable. Couldn't breathe, couldn't talk, my head was all spacey, I was weak and incredible achey. So, Elke hears me croak something out, and she says "Are you sick?" I say "Very" and instead of showing alarm that I was endangering customers, or concern that I could be very ill, she laughed and made fun of my sick voice. Shortly after that she had me do some heavy lifting and put all the flavor syrups away.

Thank God for Katrina, who offered to stay an extra hour and a half for me, so I could leave at 9:30 (when she was scheduled to be off) She felt somewhat guilty, because I got this wretched illness straight from her. Oh, well. I went home and curled up in bed and felt horrible.

So, it's 9pm and I still feel like I'm going to die, and I still sound like a man...but there's no such thing as calling in sick to Caribou. No, no, no. I checked the employee handbook just in case I could get Elke in trouble for refusing t o allow her employees to be ill... what does the handbook say?

"If an illness or emergency prevents you from reporting for your scheduled shift, you must SPEAK with your Manager at least two hours (or as otherwise required by your mananger) before your shift on each day that you are unable to work."

So, the company requires two hours. Elke requires be there, or have someone to be there for you no matter what. It doesn't say anywhere in the handbook that you will be held personally responsible if you are too ill to work, and the Manager was unable to cover the shift. That is not the job of a casual employee! I know, I should do something about it...but I won't. I don't know how. It's not worth the effort, really. If I die, maybe there will be a revolt or something. Unlikely, but hey...a girl can dream.

Not this summer, but by next life will be drastically different. Not entirely sure how, but it will be. It has to be. Caribou will be a distant memory. That gives me a little over a year to get over certain fears and go for it. Go for what? Hah...we'll see.

So, still sick which means i should maybe go to bed or something. I'm just glad I got the cycled Caribou illness now, instead of...later. Yup.

So off I go. I'm done with my complaining. I have to work at 5am. I hope a customer catched my disease and they fire me...and then I tell my story and they fire Elke and give me a million dollars. Sounds good to me.



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