Saturday, May 07, 2005

The sickness doth cling, it does indeed. I sound a little less like a man. More like a teenage boy going through puberty. Very busy day at Caribou today. I feel like I fought a war. We got new blenders though, and they look very tomorrow landish...very "To Infinity and Beyond!" Buzz Lightyear style. They're kinda fun. I felt all high tech and important. Everyone was telling me how amazing I am, because I was everybody's glue...and I didn't fall over dead. I'd have to agree. I'm pretty amazing. HAH! Whatever.

So, then something fun happened when I was 45 minutes away from being done. I just told Kelly about it, so I will share that conversation in here:

KELLY: what's going on?

CORRIE: nothing out of the ordinary

KELLY: Slamming door and flying accusations, yeah

Corrie: see? Normalness

KELLY: yeah, which sucks

CORRIE: indeed I'm just rather...livid. I got off work at one today
PlanSeeDrama: but mom called me at Caribou freaking out, saying that Sunnie was very ill and she needed the carr immediately, wanted me to leave work 45 minutes early, and I ...well, I couldn't I was like "Sunnie has a car..." I was confused. so she hung up on me. so I race to get all my stuff done, panicking...basically ignoring the stuff Elke was telling me to do, shouting "Family emergency! I have to go!" so, I got home, sped might I add... and mom is sitting in her room, counting my tip money, and was like "Oh, you're home. I was panting, and I'm Sunnie okay? "Yeah, she'll be home in about an hour and a half. She just has bad cramps and wanted me to bring her liquid tylenol. They don't sell it at Festival." I was sooooooo mad

KELLY: what the crap?

CORRIE she screams at me about an emergency, HANGS up on me, and then... she takes the car to go shopping


and slammed the door on the way out like I had done something terrible "My life cannot be focused around you and your working schedule!" good grief

KELLY: I was just gonna say that


So that's my day so far. Fascinating, I know. Now I'm housebound and all alone, and I'm gonna take full advantage of it. I'm gonna...clean the basement! YES! Word. Awesomeness. Catch ya'll later!


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