Monday, July 25, 2005

What have I got to report? Hmmm... well, I'm not as down as I was before. There are certainly things that could be better in my life but I am willing and able to deal with such problems. Some aren't problems, just...moments. And others...well, others are just difficult. But without those difficulties, I wouldn't have the good stuff in between. And the good stuff is SO worth it.

So! Caribou goes on. Megan quit. I'm depressed. The good people are dropping like flies, I'm telling you. Megan called in sick one day, because she was puking everywhere. Elke told her "Either you or somebody else has to be here at the beginning of your shift." Basically an 'or else!' statement. Megan shrugged it off, didn't go in, and that was that. I talked to her today on the phone. First time I've talked to her since I got home from Alabama. It was nuts! I miss her.

You is so weird. Not weird, blessed. Sometimes I just have to stop and reflect on what my life has been like within the last couple years. Moved to and from NEW YORK...Nannied for Edmond, was in a wedding that totally changed things. (October 17th) Then December came around, and that's the biggest 'WHOA NO WAY!' moment of all. Meeting BJ.

Neither of us is 'one of those people'. But, wow.

No single fiber of my being would have ever imagined that "Yes...this nice boy I met on the internet through my sister is going to be the first guy I fall madly in love with. WITH meaning especially that it would be mutual. He would come to Minnesota and meet my family, charm my dog, have my Grammy fall in love with him, and woo my friends. I never would have imagined going down there to surprise him. I wouldn't have thought it would have ever even had a chance or working out.

It's just something to totally sit back and marvel at. It's crazy! But in a good way. Just like me! Bwa-ha-ha.

IN other news, I haven't got any. I don't think...I've seen a few movies recently. I would highly recommend "The Island". It's extraordinary, although it completely pissed me off, because it seems really...likely. I can totally see something like that happening in the future. It's enraging.

So life is tolerable, though in need of change. I'll get to that soon I hope. I also hope to be taking a little trip down south in October, if not before. And by that I mean I've been given the possibility yet again of moving to Tennessee. We'll see what happens. Obviously I don't know what to expect in my life.

So I guess that's it for now. When I come up with a few more interesting things to write about, I will. Later!

C'est moi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, how about "Kelly's moving home in less than a month." Is that not news?

Sorry, just jazzed :o)