Sunday, April 30, 2006

Super Cody!

YO! Things have been going pretty okay. Time for the weekend update! Thursday night, BJ came up to stay in Opelika. We watched "Into The Woods" and ate Korean chicken curry stew. (thank you, Kelly! Yum yum!) After that, BJ and I attempted yet again to watch "Dark Angel"... but he fell asleep. Kelly stayed up late watching Alias in the living room, so BJ took my bed instead of the couch, and Cody and I camped out on the floor.

The next morning I got up way too early. I wanted to make breakfast for BJ, but we didn't have any eggs for pancakes. It was then I found a mix Uncle Randy had given us for "Just add water pancake mix". I made pancakes, and we ate them. After breakfast were showers and random silliness.

We headed to the movie theater after that to see "United 93", the movie about the flight on 9/11 that the passengers took over. It was well done, and left the audience in silence afterward.

After that we headed back to the apartment for a throw together lunch. It was yummy though! Then BJ and I headed to Montgomery. And just like every other weekend, we did a lot of nothing. Talking, sitting around, goofing off, making each other laugh. BJ does one mean elephant impression. (Poor, poor screaming child) Then we watched an episode of Smallville that we had missed. Shortly after that we fell asleep.

The next day, BJ and I sat around and whispered "sweet nothings, more sweet nothings, and even more sweet nothings..." until he had to go to work. Then I hug out with Debra and Jack for quite awhile, while uploading a bunch of songs onto the laptop for BJ. He came home at 3 for a quick break and scarfed down a Totino's party pizza.

That night we picked up San Marcos and watched old home videos of little BJ, and Lauren as a baby. Then BJ and I caught up on devotions, then watched one last episode of Smallville that we hadn't seen. Then it was bed time again!

This morning was up and off to church for the 9:30 traditional, and staying until BJ was done playing for the 11. After church we watched a 9/11 special about people who had missed Flight 93 by some strange twist of fate, and were supposed to be on it. One guy was absolutely ridiculous. I'm sure Kelly will write something about him in her journal. It was supposed to be serious, but we were hysterical.

After that, we headed to Arby's, and then the movie theater again (This time with Lauren in tow) to catch the new movie "Stick It". It was really good! The lead actress was hilarious. I enjoyed it. Then we came back, and watched more 9/11 stuff, finishing up with the A&E movie "Flight 93", which focused more on the emotional side, and the families of the passengers.

Now here we are, doing a whole lot of nothing yet again. Blah Blah Blah! So I'm gonna end this here! WEE! Bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
