Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hello all...er...me. How ya doin? I'm so glad to hear it! So anyway. The past few days have been interesting, to say the least. Or the most...interesting to the dullest extent. Whatever. I make no sense. DUH! Let's move on.

So Kelly's "friend" Kris has started talking to me more. He no longer views it as "taboo". Which is cool, because he's cool. And if he and Kelly are going to be er...close... I have to know absolutely everything about every single aspect of him. Otherwise...it's a no go, my friend.

He's fun to talk to, although he's had the unfortunate experience of talking to me on the two worst days of my life! (Within the past few weeks...I get a three worst days of my life allowance a month) So...he has thus far missed out on the chipper me, the funny me...the "real" me...at least I think so. Oh, well. He will see the light someday...and it will be bright. Oh, yes. It will.

I still talk to BJ, and the Kelly/Corrie crisis has been taken care of. She's no longer upset with me for my brutal honesty, and I'm no longer upset with her for whatever I was mad about...sheesh, who knows? I do...but...well, nevermind.

Kelly and Kris have been having these nice long meaningful conversations lately, and thus flares the green eyed monster within me...sad, sad, sad. I have seriously contemplated throwing my cell phone away. The only person I call is Kelly, which is not only a local number, but free mobile to mobile. I can call her from home and it wouldn't cost me anything. It would cost HER, but she can afford it *smiles*. No, but seriously! I call Kelly, and I text message her stupid things like "word" when I'm bored. It's... a waste of hard earned money...HOWEVER

I mentioned wanting to get rid of my cell phone to BJ online last night, and he was like "Then how can I call you?" and I was like...huh? So, he did! It was fun. He sang Phantom songs to me.
I would have sung back, but... I can't.

Don't get me wrong, I have a beautiful voice! *laughs* But there's only one person in the whole entire world that I am 100% comfortable around when it comes to singing...and anything for that matter. You'd think it would be Kelly, and in most resepcts it is...but not music. Don't ask me why, because...because I don't want to tell you. Anyway! The one person? My brother Jamison. He and I do pretty much everything together, and I'm the person he counts on the most. But music especially is fun with him. Lately, every time we're in the car together he and I just belt out Phantom songs. My soprano voice that rarely makes an appearance just soars...and he's getting SOOOO good! It's great fun. I ask him annoying questions, and I know he doesn't lie...because he can be undeniably brutal. For example :

"Jamie, do I have a good voice?"

"Yeah, you do."

"Really? You're not just saying that because you're my brother?"

"No way. I'm a little brother. I'm supposed to say you suck."

Aw...you're so sweet. But do I have a good Phantom of the Opera kind of voice?"

"Of course!"


"Whatever! Too bad when you sing along to the CD, you sound exactly like Christine! You're awesome, so shut up."

Isn't he just the sweetest thing ever? He learns all the guitar parts to my favorite songs by ear, and then we make recordings of the two of us singing along. He and I can stay up all hours singing karaoke...and we're BAD at it! Just listen to me rap, and you'll fall over dead. But it's fun. We have good times.

Kelly is probably my best friend, but Jammer is my best buddy. Ya know...a buddy. Someone you can beat on relentlessly and then go to the movies with. Throw things at each other and laugh about it. He pisses me off sooooo often, but he makes me laugh even more. He's the typical annoying little brother, and he knows, loves, and embraces that truth.

Since I've gotten him to go to youth group with me, we've gotten even closer. It's now his favorite part of the week, and he's made so many friends. He's even on the official First Lutheran "Getdown" poster! He's a regular, and he's loving it. That just makes my heart want to burst with soooo many different emotions. If you knew Jamie's church history (or lack there of) you'd understand why.

ANYWAY! The bad stuff, let's get it over with. Yesterday at work I was working drive-thru, and after about 2 hours, I stopped breathing. Yeah...not so fun. Elke took over for me, and I had to go (literally) collapse in the back. Severe coughing ensued, and after my throat and lungs were raw I started gasping...and there was blood, and it took me a good 15-20 minutes to get a solid breath. Sometimes I get terrifed...and sometimes I feel like my "condition" is perfectly normal...I don't know. It's...lonely.

In other news, in just a few weeks the fam and I take off to FLORIDA! It better be fun... and no more strange diseases I hope. I'll explain some other time... Jammer and me are gonna be roller coaster buddies! I'm excited. We're going on a 3 day cruise, too! 2 week vacation in all, and I am going to be hurting big time afterwards, no money..ouch.

Well, now that this entry is HUGE...I should go. I'm at the library and I have to go grab a billion movies. Then I have to go to a meeting, then grocery store...then pick up Jamie and his ice chest...um, yeah.

Til next time, I love you! (me) HA!


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