Saturday, January 22, 2005

WHOA! Yeah...thought I'd start out overly energetic, and maybe it will come across that i have a tiny speck of energy left in me. It's a lie, know. ANYWAY!

yesterday! Yesterday was Friday, and I had to work at 6:30 am. An hour LATER than usual, so it was all good. 6:30 - 1:30. I was working register, like usual...being the nazi of brewed coffee. Didn't work with Sam though, which is sad...because she's my favorite! But I worked with Kate who's my #2. It's fo fun being sarcastic and brutal towards one another. It's a great relationship we have!

Yesterday was Tony's second day...and guess what? INCLUDING Elke (our manager) everyone is incredibly annoyed by him. Don't get me wrong, he's nice and everything...he's just...I don't know.

He told me SOOO many times about how he was going on a blind date that night, but he really didn't want to, and how the night before he had gone to visit his girlfriend of the past two years, and found her in bed with another guy. (And you're going on a blind date already? Hmmm...) So he had 'spent the entire night by myself, crying my eyes out'. Awww... poor guy. And then guess what he told me? His LAST girlfriend of 2 1/2 years was killed in a car crash the day he had decided to propose to her. TRAGIC!

I was talking to Karley about how excited I was to have 2 days off in a row, and Tony was like "You have Saturday off? We should hang out! Where do you live?" I laughed politely, and made a big squiggle movement with my arm and said "Over there." and he was like "No, seriously. I need an address." THANK THE LORD someone came in through the drive-thru just at that moment. Darn...had to go do my job.

So he's just sort of been hounding everyone, specifically me for some reason. I don't get it. I'M NOT USED TO THIS!

So then! Went home, and picked up Sarah on the way. It had been snowing all day, and by the time I went to go get her, Ramsey County had already declared a snow emergency. We got back to my house okay, and then we watched "A Cinderella Story". (laughs) I love that movie!

Jamie called for a ride home for the tea room, so I left Sarah with the movie to go get him. My car was already buried! It had only been 45 minutes! It was covered with 7 inches of snow. SO! After digging my car out, I drove about 10mph to Down Town White Bear to go get him. It normaly takes me about 3 minutes... took me about 15 :) I pick Jamie up, and we slide all the way home.

Then Sam calls me, and says she wants to make up for the sleepover that didn't happen LAST weekend. She lives in Roseville. I asked her repeatedly if she was sure she wanted to drive here, and she said yes. So...she did. We didn't have a big enough driveway for our 5 cars, plus Sam's car...and you can't park in the street because of snow! My dad parked my car in the lawn, my mom's on the walkway, and the two trucks, Sunnie's car and Sam'e car in the driveway.

Sam, Sarah and I watched "Without A Paddle" while I text messaged back and forth a bit with BJ *evil grin* I had already seen it! We ordered pizza (poor poor pizza man) and had a blast! Then Sarah had to go home. Sam and I chatted, looked at pictures, and caught her up on The OC. I kept falling asleep! BJ called briefly, and we had to limit the conversation to around five minutes...or it wouldn't have ended...ever.

Three episodes later, Sam and I both went to sleep.

9:15 this morning, her roommate called, crying that she was an hour late for work, because the plows had completely buried her car. She was surrounded all the way up to her trunk. Sam had to leave to go help her, so I had to get my mom's car out of the way...*growls* I don't want to talk about it! I was up to my knees in snow, so guess how hard it was to get a CAR out of there? I did it nonetheless, because NOTHING can stop me!!! Well...

Anyway! Sam left, and I finally had the guts to look at MY car in the front lawn. The plows...had covered it. It will never again see the light of day. It's a snowbank with a red roof, that is all it is! Thank GOD I don't work today! What would I do??? It's...terrible. Dad drove it there, I'm not messing with it. But my poor car!

So that brings us up to now... I cleaned the house, and now I'm completely housebound. BAH! I don't want to! I have two days off, I don't want to do NOTHING! Or maybe that's exactly what I want to do... but with mom home? Ha! Not gonna happen.

Well, I better go. I'm online illegally again. Love you all!

Au Revoir!

Peace, yo

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