Saturday, January 22, 2005

My head is heavier than normal. Does that happen? Maybe my brain is swelling. It certainly feels like it is. I discovered movie making software on my computer, and so I've been playing. I'm supposed to have a video ready to go for Getdown tomorrow, and I thought I would go the high tech way. Should have known better. I can't get it to work! It's driving me nuts. Oh, well. I had it working before, but now? No...

So, today after I wrote in here...I took a nap. (Preparation for the day ahead, you see.) I stared out my window for a good half hour staring at my buried car. It was tragic. BJ called me on his lunch break (yay!) and we chatted about how my car can get me from point A to point B, and what would happen if my car only got me to point A.5...we're so weird. It's great.

After that, I cleaned Jamie's room. His friend Andrew is spending the weekend, and I didn't want Jamie and Andrew to have to live in that was a huge undertaking, but I had nothing better to do. My car was under a mountain!

After I cleaned up that room, I made a smoothie and watched half of "Face On A Milk Carton". I remember reading that book in 5th grade...

I finally huffed loudly, before bucking up and walking out into the snow to assess the damages. I was up to my thighs in snow...there was NO WAY I could get the driver's door open. The plow had not only covered the car, it had nearly elevated the car OFF THE GROUND by shoving a ton of snow underneath it. That car was going nowhere...

After an hour of shoveling, I had 90% of the car revealed. Another hour of pumping the gas and going backwards and forwards proved to be...worthless. EVENTUALLY...I got the car out. I didn't hit any trees! Afterwards, I fell on the floor heaving, trying to get my lungs back to normal.

Dad went to go meet mom and Sunnie for dinner (Sunnie was getting rewarded for her good grades) and Andrew and I waited for Jamie to get off work. He finally did, and I went to pick him up. They've been in his room ever since, and I watched The Hallmark channel for a bit, before retreating to my room to work on the doomed Getdown video.

Everyone came home shortly after BJ called me after seeing Phantom for the 4th time. I think he wants to beat me. He can probably do it...I have no means by which to keep him at bay. Oh well...

I was being beckoned to view a film with the family, but I decided against it. My video has failed, and now here I am...complaining to no one in particular.

Tomorrow is Sunday, which means church... and I'm going by myself again. That really makes me sad. Sunnie and dad...don't get me started. And Jamie? He follows their example. I'll be there, though. Yes indeed.

I guess that's all for now...I'm sleepy. Thanks for being such a good adorable little blog you. Who else would I tell my nonsense to?

Til next time, this has been :


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