Thursday, January 20, 2005

Wow! Yesterday was crazy cool, man. Totally. Word. Today was pretty cool too. Now I have to go back and think about why…

So yesterday I left off saying I had to go to Granny’s apartment. So I did! I told her I’d be there by 12:30, after I went to the library to return my rentals. (Raising Helen, Wimbledon, and Garden State) So I get there, and NO answer when I rang at the security entrance. Ooh…Granny. You said you had to run quickly to the store! That was an hour and a half ago! And you live across the street from the store!

So, since I’m a regular at that building, on of her neighbors let me in after she checked her mail. I wait in the lobby for awhile, then I went upstairs and cruised the hallway back and forth. Half an hour goes by. No granny. It was around then that my bladder started to freak out. I had to pee soooo bad! So…I left granny a note on her door, and drove home. (All the way home…the full what, two blocks? Anyway…)

So, I am sooo tired, after getting up at 4am. I drift off to sleep after running around doing misc. chores for mommy dear. I doze off, and the phone rings. It’s grandma calling, apologizing endlessly for losing track of time. Unable to hurt her feelings, I drag myself out of my warm cozy bed, and head over to her apartment once again.

She has a habit of making four different meals at once, and expecting me to eat all of everything! She made chicken fajita wraps, as well as chicken patty sandwiches, and garlic mashed potatoes, AND chicken wild rice soup. WHAT?!?! Craziness, and I wasn’t hungry…I was tired!

She wanted to watch the end of the movie she had been watching earlier, and I was soo bored. She dozed off, and so I had fun text messaging BJ. He and I were sending each other Phantom lyrics back and forth. That kept me busy.

Granny woke up eventually, and then I said I had better go home. Pointless visit, but a visit nonetheless. I got home, and completely collapsed. I fell asleep from 4-6:30. I made dinner for myself since Sunnie and Jamie had already eaten, and mother was “returning” at the mall. Then I sat down for another exciting episode of American Idol! Woo! Then it was time for Alias!!! Fabulousness.

After Alias, I went online and chatted with Kelly, BJ, Kelsey, Zach, and Lee. I ended up asking BJ a rather complicated question, and he said it would take too long to type out, so he gave me a call.

Around five hours later, the phone conversation ended. It was great! We covered a lot of ground. He probably learned more about me than I had originally intended, but hey…what are you gonna do? When it gets to the wee hours of the morning words just start coming. I hope I didn’t bore him…he did his share of talking too though, so it should be all good!

It made for quite an enjoyable evening, and thank the Lord I didn’t have to work at 5 today! That means I would have gotten about one hour of sleep. Thankfully, I didn’t work until 9:30. I rarely work a late morning/afternoon shift, so I was a little nervous. Different people than I’m used to. No Sam, no Kate…me and the …other people.

Anyway, I get to work, and there’s a huge line at both the drive-thru and in the lobby. I hope right in, and don’t notice the guy I’m kind of tripping over. I had never seen him before, but I figured it was because he was one of those afternoon guys. Still though, I thought I knew everyone by now! But no…didn’t recognize him.

This guy went into the back to unpack some of the coffee prepack, and I got sent to start the dishes. Elke came back and was like “Oh! Corrie, this is Tony. He’s new.” Ah-ha! Makes sense. Greetings. Salutations. He fit in nicely throughout the day, and wasn’t scared by my humor. I was being totally goofy, because I had actually gotten sleep and wasn’t a zombie! Elke’s roommate is working at our Caribou for the next couple of weeks, and she and I really hit it off. It was excellent! She’s a SS, so she was “in charge”, but in a good way. We had a blast! Tony was fun too, but a little weird. He was like “Yeah, I just moved here.” Says he out of the blue. I asked him where from and when, and then he was like “I don’t know anyone here, and I don’t know where anything is.” Ah, says I. “Maybe you could show me around sometime.” Huh? No, probably not…I can’t even find the Oakdale theater without going to mapquest! I’m so dumb sometimes though, because I laughed and said “Yeah right”. and didn’t explain my reasoning. He looked…hurt? I don’t know. He’s an attractive guy, I guess…maybe that’s why I didn’t get it.

When he was leaving, he was like “Now I’m just gonna go home and be bored. Do nothing. All by myself.” and I was like (somewhat proudly) “That’s all I ever do! That’s what I’m gonna go do too!” And he was like “You should come visit me! I live on Rice Street.” Then he repeated his exact address about five times. Was he…no, could he….was he serious?

I didn’t know, because how would I know? I don’t even know what I’m talking about NOW! Anyway, he left, work was still fun, I love Emily she’s great!

I got off work, and took a bath, and now I’m writing this. I got my wish and starting a week from this coming Monday, I get double shifts almost every day! LONG hard days, (5:30 am - 5pm) but it’ll be worth it. I need the money desperately.

So that’s all I’ve got for now. The OC is starting in half an hour, so that’ll be good. As far as the rest of life goes, I’m not sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong…got that? Good.

Love you all so much! Especially you! Yes, YOU! Who else would I be talking about? You’re my favorite! I’m so glad you’re a part of my life. Let’s be pals! I love you to infinity and beyond!

Peace out


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