Friday, January 28, 2005

Yo. Have I got anything interesting to report today? Probably not. Let's see...

Last night, I chatted with a few peeps. I ALMOST got myself in really big trouble, but I didn't. Almost, but it slid past unnoticed. Thank the Lord. Enough said. I fell asleep ultra early. 8:30! What is THAT? Good, that's what it is. I had to wake up at 4. I got real sleep! Fantabulous. So! Woke up at 4, worked at 5. Guess what I did? I worked drive-thru. For nine hours... good heavens. LONG day. Nothing spectacular happened at work today. A few crabby customers...they brought me down a bit. But I'll get over it. The coffee business is brutal...

So, after work I came home and attempted to nap. yeah right. Mom's at war with T-mobile concerning the phone she ordered for me for Christmas that they sent, but we never recieved. Both sides thinks the other is lying, but trust me...I still have my crappy Nokia with mismatched face plates... I do however, have an emotional attachment to all the ring tones I've downloaded. Oh, well. I'll get over it.

So, listened to mom scream at people til' about 2 something. Then I went online to check movie times, chatted with kelly and Kris a bit...then I went to go see "In Good Company". As I was walking out the door, BJ called. He and I caught up as I drove to the theater (in my Crapsica with NO heat...) Then my car started smoking really bad...oh well. I was already there. Watched and enjoyed the movie...

Came home, and went to Wal-Mart with Jamie to get Sunnie a present for her birthday (tomorrow). Then we went to Taco Bell...and my car almost blew up. The heat gage went WAM! All the way up, and the car started to smoke A LOT. So, nope...not going anywhere. Called dad, and he came to rescue us. He couldn't give me a proper diagnosis on the spot, so he drove behind me the whole way home.

I must share, the Taco Bell sauce packets crack me up! They all say something funny on them. My favorite one? "When I grow up I want to be a waterbed". I laughed SOOOO hard! Oh my gosh...

So, I came home and took a shower...and now here I am. I have to go help my mom unload Target bags. She brought home a gigantic tube of movie posters I have to go through from Movie Gallery for the theater in the basement. Woo! Awesomeness! There's even one of TROY!

So... I promise not to dig any more holes I can't get out of...and... no more opening my mouth. Ever. Yeah right...

Later tater!


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