Sunday, January 23, 2005

Today was BORING. That's all I have to say. I woke up a little later than intended, got ready for church, went to church...did the church thing. Then we came home... I wrote the skit script Perry needs by tomorrow, and then tried to make another Getdown video. I give up. We're just gonna have to go without! Then what did I do? Attempted to vaccum...I say attempted, because it's a broken piece of crap. I mean...some parts of it are glued together, while others are fastened together by a bungee cord. Interesting...

Then I made a really gross smoothie and dumped it down the drain. THEN... I went upstairs and started to watch one of the movies I got at the library. Then I fell asleep. Then...I woke up, took a shower, and went to watch Extreme Makeover: Home edition.

Then mom came home, we unloaded groceries, and I tried on some bathing suits for the trip to Florida. (Yay! I got a really cute one!) And then we ate dinner... and now here I am. NOTHING special at all.

Last night, however... I spent the majority of the evening doing nothing too, but it was a nice kind of nothing. Jamie and Andrew kept to themselves, and everyone else was gone, so I could do whatever I felt like!

BJ called last night again (It's getting to be a welcome part of my nightly routine) and we talked til 2am... then I went to sleep. And then my boring Sunday happened. So why am I even writing this journal entry? I have no idea.

Kelly is currently annoyed with me. It's getting to be pretty frequent. She talks about one thing, pretty much every single time I talk to her. Yes, there's an occasionaly Ethan and Madi story thrown in...but that's basically it. Yesterday though, I called her with stories to tell, but she had already read my blog, so I had nothin...

I guess I'm jealous. I don't have one topic to talk about so excitedly like she does. Oh, well. I guess that's good! My randomness wouldn't do well under one topic. But she asks me for insight and stuff like that, and I don't have any! I mean, come on! Guy advice? Don't make me laugh. YOu don't have to make me...I'll do it by myself. Ba-ha-ha-ha!!!

So, anyway. She's mad that I seem not so interested. What does she want me to be interested in, exactly? I can't figure it out. I'm not so good at deciphering what people want from me... I usually get it wrong.

Well, it's been a long day of doing nothing...I need to go to bed. (No, but really...I should. I have to wake up at four) So that's the end of that!

Always and forever times 10,


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