Tuesday, May 31, 2005

At the library again. I love the library. However... there are people behind me waiting for the internet and I almost feel guilty. Oh, well. I won't take the entire 60 minutes. I just have to take a moment to document my incredibly exciting life... what the fidget? You mean I haven't got one? Oh, that's too bad.

I worked this morning my usual shift on drive-thru. We were very short handed, and I went a little crazy. I worked with Kenny for the first time in a long time, and we had fun with our sarcastic banner. He's a brat. It's enjoyable.

After work I went home and took a nap for about...mmm... four hours. I was so tired. Not lack of sleep tired, but exhaustion tired. Indeed. Then I woke up, got dressed, and decided to take a walk to the library. However, my mother trapped me with an urgent plea.

"Please Corrie! I need your help desperately. We may have over drawn at the bank. I need you to write me a check for $40.00, you'll get it all back, I promise you."

What the crap? So she's standing there...telling me to give her money. First it was 20, then it went up to 40. I couldn't say no without her making my life a living hell for awhile. So, I gave her the check. Believe me, I will get that money back if it kills me... although...she'll probably pull a "You owe me that much in back rent" and refuse to pay me back. Well, I'm keeping my tips, it's as simple as that!

So, then I walked to the library. I can't stop thinking about this dream I had. It's... so real. A little advanced as far as the time frame goes, but...it feels like it really happened. It's altered me a bit, and it's in my head. Oh, well. I'll get over it.

In other news, these people staring me down are really getting on my nerves. I guess I'd better go now... la di da. Write more pointless updates soon I'm sure! As far as enjoyable things go, I've got nothing "better" to do.


C'est moi!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dream huh? You neglected to mention this dream. Direct question; I need to know about this dream. Seeing as though I took a class on dreams maybe I can help you analyze it. Love you, and I'll talk to you soon.