Thursday, January 27, 2005

I'm online illegally again, why? Because I wanted to write a bit before the OC...after which I plan on falling asleep. I'm so tired...*yawn* But let's recap the day, shall we?

I got a half hour break, working at 6am today instead of 5:30. I was little scared, because Elke decided today was the day I would be on bar! Okay, I can handle that I thought... me and Sam did bar. I pulled shots and she filled and topped off. Coolio! I didn't die, and Sam herself said she underestimated me. Ah-ha!

So, it was long day. And it was COLD! At 10:00 I took over on drive-thru, which I really enjoy now. I'm good at it! I'm getting pretty good at everything. Elke wants me to be a supervisor already. WOW! We'll see what we see.

One week from tomorrow til I leave for Florida. Longest road trip's gonna be unfun. Random thoughts...

I'm really not used to attention. Apparently I'm getting it! This one guy told me I have a beautiful smile. This other guy (who was british) asked me to run away with him. Today when Sunnie and I went to get our pics taken for the church directory, Brant was there, and was telling me how pretty I was. He "couldn't get over it"...geez! Did I suddenly just STOP getting ugly or something? Whatever...didn't know I was so bad before. Hahaha

I came home after work, then went to pick up my meds, then took a shower, then went to meet with Perry and Ken, then came home, then got pics taken w/Sunnie, then went to Wendy's for the dollar menu. (Ha! Take THAT Kelly! BAM!) Now I'm home, writing a bunch of nonsense waiting for my show to start. There were important things I wanted to write about, but I have no idea what they are now. Oh, well. Some other time I guess.

I really don't feel very well. I feel like I'm going to bring my baked potato back from the dead...ugh...bye then


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, we have Wendy's in CT, it's Arby's we don't have. Except I don't think I've actually gone to Wendy's since I moved here either. I should go and get a whole bunch of that chili sauce. That's good stuff.