Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hello! I'm just wasting time while BJ is in the shower getting ready for church. I guess it's become a pretty normal thing to spend weekends here. It's better than it was before. I think everybody enjoys each other more when they don't see each other every day. That's just a universal truth. For instance... sometimes my mom and I clash so badly, things literally break. Now, however, I really really miss her and enjoy talking to her. Now THAT'S something new and exciting.

There's nothing getting in the way of enjoying each other, like how the kitchen needs to be cleaned, or the laundry needs to be done, or she needs me to run a billion errands. Now it's just conversation!

Anyway, I'll probably write a nice little summary of the weekend when I have a little more time. I just thought I'd waste some space talking about how in love BJ and I are...oh, but that's NEVER a waste of space! Especially when it's in MY journal. (Feel free to make yours just as pathetic, BJ. Hahaha)

Anyway! I do, I love him. He's "The sexiest boyfriend in the world". Haha! Didn't think I'd really write that, did ya Fabio? Love you!

Over and out.

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