Saturday, April 15, 2006

*SIGH* -- In case you didn't know, I love BJ. ANYWAY! Yesterday (Friday) was lazy. Kelly was working diligently on her livejournal, and I kinda did a lot of nothing yet again. Around 2 I took a shower and got ready to head to Montgomery. Kelly braided my hair, and then the mail came! We got a package from Mommy. I got a pink stuffed bunny, and Kelly got a white lamb. They're so cute! And my dad FINALLY sent me the memory chip from my camera that he had "somewhere in his desk at work" that had the pics I took from BJ's first trip up to see me last July.

I headed out to Montgomery around 3:40, with a quick stop at the gas station. When I was a little over halfway there, Sunnie called my cell phone. I answered happily, not having heard from my little sister in awhile. She wasn't calling with good news.

Turns out my mom was in a car accident yesterday afternoon. Sunnie was upset because no one was returning her phone calls. A witness of the accident called Sunnie from Mom's cell phone. My mom slowed for a pedestrian, and the car behind her wasn't paying attention. They hit my mom at full speed. Her seat snapped in half and she ended up being thrown to the back seat.

She was taken away in an ambulance and immediately put in a neck brace. She couldn't move. This was all Sunnie knew at that point, and no one was telling her otherwise. So she called everyone she could think of.

Turns out my mom is okay. She even got to go home last night. (Still in a brace.) She's supposed to go on a belated anniversary trip with my dad tomorrow, but I'm not sure if that's really going to happen.

I'm still in Montgomery, and BJ is getting ready to head to work. We had a rather long discussion about a bunch of stuff last night, and didn't go to bed until after 3. I was grateful for the conversation though. Lots of good things came out of it. I think the plague is gonna go away. HOORAY!

So that's about it for now. Keep my mom and her Hawaii trip in your prayers. I love you all! (Especially BJ my love...duh!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU are my happy thought, Angel. I love you beyond the limitations of this world's communication. I adore you and treasure you. You make me smile; even in tough dicussions, I know we'll come out stronger. I can't wait to spend Easter with you tomorrow. This celebration of the Risen Lord will be the best for me because I'll be with you. I know mom will be ok, and she'll get a new Black Pearl. God bless you, my darling. Talk to you soon...Hello!