Monday, April 10, 2006

Okay! So here's my weekend update. Friday night, BJ drove up to Opelika, and He, myself, Kelly and Benlee partook of a lovely dinner of Chinese food here at the apartment. Then we headed off to the movie theater to see "Bench Warmers". It was hilarious! I really enjoyed it...but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a little ping of sadness by not experiencing it with Jamie. He saw it with Mom earlier that day, and of course he loved it. He and John Heder could be brothers. Seriously.

After the movie we went to Waffle House just because Kelly and I had never really been to one. I was the entertainment. A guy in a hideous multi-colored shirt tried to eye/smile flirt with me on his way to the bathroom. I thought it was hilarious, while BJ voiced his concerns and made up scenarios on how he would take him down when he emerged from the men's room. (Which had no toilet paper, because I stole it all. Women need it more anyway.) The guy seemed to scurry back to his seat rater quickly after taking far too long in the bathroom. Methinks he needed toilet paper, and went without. He seemed a little...uncomfortable.

After that, we went home. It was bed time. BJ tinkered with his laptop for awhile. He had just gotten a wireless card for it, and was trying to pick up a stolen signal in Kelly's bedroom. BAD! Don't steal the internet! Unless you let me use I am right now! Bwa-ha-ha!

I made up BJ's couch bed, and got ready for bed myself, and finally at around 3am we were both asleep. The next morning, there was a huge thunderstorm. Cody hates storms. He was sitting on my neck, shaking, and panting right in my face. (He has bad breath) BJ woke up a little before 8am, and came into my room. We cuddled for a little while Cody shook and breathed on us. We eventually got up, took showers, and ate some breakfast Benlee had brought for us.

After breakfast we rushed out the door so BJ would make it home in time for work. I went home with him, because I had been invited to his cousin Joy's baby shower which was later that afternoon. So he dropped me off at his house, he changed his clothes, and then he was off to work. We went to the shower shortly after that. Joy got SOOOO much stuff! Her daughter on the way has been named Elizabeth Katherine, but they're going to call her Ella Kate.

After the shower, we went back to the house. I fell asleep (I think) for a while, and Debra went to the grocery store. We ordered pizza for dinner, and BJ got home around 9:30 (I couldn't wait.) And we did a whole lot of nothing until BJ fell asleep.

The next morning was church, as you know from my previous post. Kelly was able to join us! If you want to read about the sermon, check out Kelly's journal. Twas a good one! After church, we hit Taco Bell. Yum. Then we went to Shakespeare. Kelly was in heaven. We spent a lot of time in the theater building. We had fun in the gift shop!

We walked around outside for awhile before heading to Oaktree for some gas, and then back to the house. We watched an episode of Lois and Clark, and shortly after that it was time to head to Frazer for the Easter musical drama. BJ played in the orchestra, but I couldn't see him from where I was sitting. It was very good, and the music was beautiful. If I didn't have a splitting headache, I probably could have enjoyed it even more.

Afterwards, BJ brought us with him to a dinner they had set up for all the participants, and their friends and family. Hamburgers and hotdogs! Yum. BJ looked really good...

We met up at the house after that, and hung out til around 11. Then it was time to drive home! At one point, BJ chased me down the road for one last kiss. Awwww...

Got home, read some of the Bible, talked to BJ and went to sleep. Another great weekend. More later!

The end

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