Friday, April 04, 2003

Today was interesting. Last night I couldn't fall asleep until around 2am. When next I opened my eyes, I thought my clock must have stopped and started up again just a little while ago, because it said 1:08, and my room was extremely bright. It was then I realized that my body had finally surrendered. It had slept. It had slept a lot! That's when I figured out that I must be really really sick. *laughs*

After I got up, I cleaned out Harvey's cage, straightened up my room, and was met by my mother, who had sympathetically allowed me to sleep in, knowing I hadn't slept for days. She figured I needed it, and was actually concerned that I appeared to be genuinely ill. (For those of you who don't know, matter how late I fall asleep, I never sleep any later than 9. 10 at the very latest.) I could have sworn my clock was broken!

Anyway, I was harassed about calling random places for jobs...alas, no one is hiring STILL. No one realistic for me, anyway. Then my mom had to go run errands. She left me with a list of "simple" chores, just like always. Would you like to see my list for today? I think it's funny *laughs* I of course completed each job as assigned.

1. Make mom's bed

2. Clean the kitchen. (large family, many dishes. Not easy)

3. Clean livingroom (my brother is a tornado)

4. Clean entryway

5. Vacuum upstairs hallway.

6. Clean bathroom

7. Do laundry continuous throughout the day, bring each load up and sort it on mom's bed.

8. Clean out side of hutch in kitchen

9. Scrub all toilets

10. Clean out and refill fish tank

Not as bad as it could have been, I spose. But definately the worst. Sunnie's chores? Put away laundry on mom's bed, and vacuum the living room and entry way. Jamison's chores? I kid you not....take out the garbage. I definately got the short end of the stick...what does that mean anyway? I don't know...

Well, that was basically all my day consisted of. Tomorrow, I get to get up early to go direct rehearsal when there's no school. Yay! Actually, it does seem kinda fun like. My mom and I just got done watching "The Last of the Mohicans" which is a very good movie, if it's not followed by a lecture about what a constant failure I am. Good glory!

Well, that's all for now. Enough complaining already! Write to ya later. Peace. Time to go watch a movie from my childhood..."Shipwrecked!" I used to watch it everyday...drove my sisters crazy! VICTORY! Hehehe. Over and out.

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