Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hey, I'm doing pretty good with this whole keeping up with the journal thing. Not that I really ever have anything interesting to say. It just makes me feel somewhat productive. So anyway. Today!

Caribou is a disease factory. No one can call in sick, so wejust keep trading illnesses. I'm happy to report I've got a brand new one this week! Wee! (BJ if you read this before I talk to you next, please promise not to make fun of me...) I sound absolutely ridiculous. Sunnie is having run retaliating. I made fun of her when she sounded like this about a week ago. Oh, well. I shall survive. Elke better not put me on drive-thru tomorrow! That would be silly. I was on it all day today, and I just kept getting worse. The customers were laughing at me.

After work I fell over on my bed and didn't get up. My mom actually told me to stay in bed and rest. I was shocked! I drifted in and out as my mom yelled things down the stairs to Sunnie over and over again. She does that at all hours! I think I napped for about an hour total.

Sunnie had gone to the grocery store and bought us each something to eat with mom's money (bwa-ha-ha) since there's nothing in the house! Sunnie always does that when mom sends her to the store. She gives her a blank check, and Sunnie throws a few extra things in and conveniently loses the receipt. She's so funny!

After we ate we watched Oprah, and then we talked for awhile. That's rare, so it was nice. She finally came out and told me that it's been bothering her that I've been seeing a little more of Lurae then I was before. But there is a history there, as strained and awkward as it may be. Truth of the matter is, is that you can't have Nikki without Lurae. Not only that, but beggars can't be choosers. I don't see many people, so I appreciate those I do see. They all really like me, so I guess it can't be ALL bad...hehehe.

After that, Sunnie said she was bored, and just like every other time she's ever said that, I suggested a movie. She actually agreed! We went to go see "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". I just KNEW she'd like it, and I've been trying to convince her of it forever. She really DID like it, and I was victorious. We came home, and here I am.

I was rummaging around in my bottom dresser drawer, the *junk* drawer, and I found the lyrics to the two songs I've written...I'm sure there have been more, but these ones actually had a memorable melody. This one called "What Makes Me", I wrote and played for this one girl, and she said it was the most personal song she had ever heard, and wanted my permission to perform it. It didn't really happen, but I was flattered nonetheless. So here are the lyrics:

Without what makes me me, I am nothing. Without what makes me live, I am dead. Without what makes me soar I am falling, without what makes me light, I am lead.

You are what makes me laugh and I am smiling. You are what gives me hope, now I can try. You are what I believe in, no more crying. You are what gives me strength, now I can fly.

Flying, no longer falling. If I'm falling it's into your arms. Laughing, no longer crying. If I'm crying it's tears of joy.

Without what makes me me, I am nothing.

And I was actually pretty proud of the melody, and the piano part I wrote. I recorded it once...I wonder what happened to that tape. Huh. Anyway! I'm squeaky and exhausted, so I'm gonna go now. But first! I have to find another job. Caribou corporate has decided our store must open earlier. We already open the earliest! I'd have to wake up at 3:30 every day...help me.


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