Sunday, June 05, 2005

I was determined to have a good day today. I think I did a pretty good job! Got up early and woke Jamie up. He was only moderately crabby. I made a tiny little breakfast of english muffins and the bottom of a box of raisin bran, and about 1/4 inch of milk in the bottom of the gallon. Wee! There's NO food here! Then we went to church to begin a long day of the car wash fundraiser. Got there by 8am, and had to attend the traditional service...*yawn* I just can't...I find it so hard to focus in there. Just not my cup of tea. So anyway. After that the washing began! I was still exhausted from the week, so I tried...but I always get stuck with the "Ditzy Chicks" they're so annoying!!!

My group of girls a nd myself were at a washing station (There's the money station, pre-rinse, 2 scrubbing stations, post-rinse, and drying) We were washing station #1, and they kept giggling, fighting over who got to wash the butt. We then rotated to the towel dry station, and then we got to go stand on Hwy 61 and hold up car wash signs.

One of the kids f rom another group approached me. (He's 17) and asked me if I would go buy him a pack of cigarettes from the gas station next to the church. I am required to report such behavior to Perry, which I hate...but I had to do. So, needless to say I lost my "Coolest youngest leader" reputation with about a dozen teenage boys. Oh, well!

so, the car wash ended a round 1:30, and then I went home. Got yelled at for somethinig...I wasn't r eally listening. Then I went and took a nap. Then I went to Grammy's! I realized I hadn't eaten in...well, my measly breakfast crumbs aside, I hadn't eaten anything real in about 2 days. So Grammy invited me over for "treats".

We had the best conversation! For once she wasn't defending mom, together we were trying t o come up with ways to live with her and try to understand what goes on inside her head. She told me it feels like she's living with an alcoholic again. She said she's tired of people bringing her down and making her feel bad for everything. She's tired of feeling guilty and making excuses. She's tired of someone insisting she's the victim, and honestly believing that we're always attacking her. Usually Grandma defends my mom to no end, but this time she was just grateful to have me to vent to.

I then shared stories she had never heard, and she was like "How do you survive? You've got it worse than anyone." I told her that I had to laugh about it, or I'd think I was going crazy. It really made me feel less alone.

She told me this one story that almost made my jaw drop off completely. One time my mom called her, and she answered the phone differently, like she was tired or something, so my mom goes "What's wrong? I was in a good mood before, but now you brought me right down when you answer the phone that way." Grandma tried to explain, but inistead mom said "I don't feel like being on the phone right now". and hung up!!!!

Oh goodness. Funny funny. Anyway. Then I was fed! Happy tummy. We watched "Somewhere in Time" which I had never seen, but had heard a lot about it from quite a few people. Then we watched the first half of the Tony Awards (My pal Hugh Jackman was hosting. We go way back) and then I went home. I walked in the door and got crabbed at for not bringing home the chocolate cake Grammy made for us. I'm picking it up tomorrow after work, because the frosting hadn't been made yet. Mom's response? "Now it won't be fresh. Thanks for thinking of your family, Corrie. You could have waited a little while longer. You know I'm really finicky about that kind of stuff. You might as well not pick it up at all."

BAH. Grandma is allergic to chocolate, and she made a triple chocolate cake for us, made with cocoa, chocolate pudding mix, and chocolate chips. Yeah right I won't pick it up! The woman is a saint. She tortures herself. It will be one day old for gosh sake.

So now here I am listening to "Misery" but only because it j ust popped up on my playlist. I love that song. "Misery is what I feel, when you're not around, so I can't heal...the tears on my face are there for you. I wish that I could hold you, touch you, feel you. My heart is bleeding can't you see? I wish that you could hold me, touch me, feel me. When I touch you can you feel it? When I need you, can you give it? When I look in your eyes, can you see me? When I fall fall, will you catch me?" That song made so much happen back in the day! Word.

Ooh, remember the misery moment from the TMOA concert? "Ooh! Look! Jeff took Angel, and look! Scott is glaring. GLARING! Clint says, oh what's wrong? Well, take a look buddy...huh? Wha---oh! WOW!' To most people I'm speaking a foreign language right now. But not to those select few. Bwa-ha-ha! That moment was magic. That whole thing was magic! It felt like I planned it, but I didn't! Anyway...

Kelly just told me she got her job back at Andy's Place! WEE! AND she has a place to live and most likely a car. She's got a plan to start with, and she'll go far. Drama director with me, yippee! Then I can leave it in her hands when I run

So I think I'm gonna go watch something and get sleepy. I feel good about today...except the sun burned part, that I noticed abouot 2 hours ago. Ick... Well, that's all for now!

TTFN! Ta-ta for now! Unless you're the select few, and then it means something totally different.

Oh! New song popped up! Written and originally sung by John Denver, but wonderfully covered on AI by none other than RJ Helton. One of the best songs ever written! Observe:

You fill up my senses, like a night in the forest, like the mountains in spring time, like a walk in the rain , like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean, you fill up my senses come fill me again.

Come let me love you, let me give my life to you. Let me drown in your laughter let me die in your arms. Let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you. You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

Just thought I'd share! I'm going now...I swear.

C'est moi!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Scott was so mad... Jeff must die. Bad Jeff.

I'm one of the select few! Tee hee! :o)

~Me, Myself, I, and that other girl. None of the aforementioned are named "Smell."