Thursday, June 09, 2005

Yucky. I hate sick days. True, you get to stay in bed all day, but it gets so boring! You have nothing better to do than realize just how crappy you really feel. It was a weird day.

Nobody called to harass me, so I guess that's a good thing. I still woke up at five, because I'm programmed. At first I thought I was late. I dozed off a few times, but couldn't really sleep. Then the weird stuff happened...

My mom kept calling my cell phone from the livingroom because she wanted me to come watch "The View". They were doing a segment on irregular periods. Okay, wake up your ill daughter for that why don't you? SO I went back to bed. Then, she brought me breakfast in bed at around 11:30. Uh...what? I must have been dreaming. But no! She brought me scrambled eggs, a cinnamon bagel from Panera (Which if you haven't experienced, you really should...) a bowl of sliced oranges, a glass of grape juice, and a tea pot, tea cup, and three types of tea to choose from. All I could do was blink. I was literally stunned. I wanted to get out my camera and document the occasion. It was like having my mom from 15 years ago make a brief comeback.

She disappeared a few hours later when she asked me t o clean out the refridgerator. Boring, loneely day really. But BJ just called! So...bye!

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