So! My room will change soon. Tomorrow maybe? Maybe not. I have set painting tomorrow. Or maybe it's make-up practice. Same thing, eh? Then...lucky me. Orthodontist! YAY! Not that bad. They like my stories there. *laughs* Yeah, because I talk even when they're poking my teeth with random orthodontist tools...Well, we'll talk about tomorrow tomorrow, shall we? Shall I anyway...I shall. So!
Yeah, today I went to church. I went home, messy messy. Needed a project...I cleaned off my two white boards so they would look less random, and nwo I don't know what to write on them. Something intelligent...any ideas anyone? What else did I need ideas for....oh yeah! I LOVE making collages. Did you know that? Now you do. I'm really really good at it! I make them for presents. All you choir people? Oh yeah, man. I made that Atlanta collage. And then I stole it last week...hahaha. I wanted it back! Anyway, I have this HUGE piece of cardboard...perfect thing to make a cool collage on. But what should I make a collage of? That's my pathetic dilemma...I need a project, and a huge collage would be the perfect thing. Ideas?? E-mail me. So!
I accomplished no project today. Kelly came and picked me up and took me to her boss's house (she's house sitting) and I chatted online with Tim and Jessi for a long time...which I don't get to do at home. I quite enjoyed myself. Then I watched some of the oscars, then I continued to, while writing this entry...woo! Someone just won an award or something...hmmm...NOW, I'm waiting for Sunnie to come on line, because there's something I just HAVE to tell her. I'm in a pretty good mood. Why? Because I haven't been home really, for two days. *YAY* Not only that, but I had a simply wonderful conversation with Jessi. I love you, I love you, I love you times a million and one! It was fun re-living theater memories with you tonight. THEATER SISTERS FOREVER!! Yeah, baby!
Okay. With that said, there's a serious confession I have to make. My absolute FAVORITE CD of this none other than Nick Carter's "Now or Never". His first solo album, and it's just simply fantastic. Even if you've never liked him, there's a song for everybody on that CD! Feel like yelling and screaming like Nikki and I did this past Saturday? Listen to "Blow Your Mind" and hit a bunch of pillows! Makes you feel better. Need a mushy you mean the world to me kind of song? "I Got You" is one of the best ever. Wanna tell everyone that it's time you just do your own thing? "I Stand For You" is perfect. Ugh...I just love it. I love it so so so so much! Just ask came out a long time ago, and I still keep it forever in my 3-disc changer. I was never a Nick fan, but I am TOTALLY a fan of this CD. There's only one song I don't like. "Girls of the USA"--it's just silly. It's...dumb. I admit it. But I love all the other ones! I do I do I do! In fact, I'm gonna include the lyrics to one of my favorites in here, because I can! Why? Because I can! And that's that.
"I Got You"
Nick Carter
People tell me you stay where you belong
But all my life, I've tried to prove them wrong
They say I'm looking for
Something that can't be found
They say I'm missing out
My feet don't touch the ground
But there are moments when you can't deny what's true
Just an ordinary day like when I met you
It's funny how life can take new meaning
When you came and changed what I believed in
The world on the outside's trying to pull me in
But they can't touch me
Cause I got you...
I want to thank you for all of the things you've done
But most for choosing me to be the one
It's funny how life can take new meaning
When you came and changed what I believe in
The world on the outside's trying to pull me in
But they can't touch me
Cause I got you...
And it hits me when I reach for you
That I'm afraid you won't be there
Maybe I am in too deep
But I don't care...
....they can't touch me cuz, I Got You
Yeah, so there ya go! I was rather surprised that people tell me they actually read this, but it makes me happy too. I want people to know me. Really know me. Yeah! Well, I'm out for now peoples. Later tators.
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