After that final breakthrough, my mom and I decided to go to Sbarro, for some baked ziti. *yum yum*. Then I went and rented "Maid in Manhattan" and took it over to my grandma's apartment to watch. She was recently released from a temporary stay at the White Bear Care center. She was there because of 7 collaped vertebraes in her back. Sound like fun? Eh...she's only in her sixties, so it's sad. She has a hospital bed, and a lift chair, and all these strange things...she seems old now, and she never did to me before.
After the movie was over, my dad came and picked me up. Then it was movie time again! My mom and I watched "Abandon" which got really bad reviews, but I really liked it! I was told it seemd really predictable, but I think that's what they wanted you to think, because it really wasn't! Anyway, I enjoyed it. Yes... My brother had two annoying friends over, and his room is next to mine. Yeah, I didn't really sleep.
This morning, I woke up, cleaned up after three teenage tornadoes...woke my mom up at around 11am, cleaned out Harvey's cage...woke everyone else up...made some food for other people. Mom and Sunnie ended up going prom dress shopping. I watched Kindergarten Cop. It was fun. I took a nap, which is always enjoyable. *laughs* And then I made dinner, and...geez, where did the day go? Just a second ago it was light outside, and now SNL is on? Goodness gracious!
Well, I've decided something. Operation C.A.L (I know what it is, but I'm not telling. Ha-ha.) And here are the options of attack. (Also in code. I just have to write them down so I don't forget) "Junior Mints", "Twisty Braid", "Dancing Diamond", "Jelly Fish", "Emerald Elk", and...hmmm....I can't remember all the components. Mayhaps I will remember later. And perhaps someday...."the dream that you wish, will come true..." *laughs* As far as what was listed above, I don't think...yeah. Twisty Braid and Jelly Fish may be sooner eliminated than anticipated. Junior Mints seems rather promising...hmm....we shall see what we see when we see it. Or at least I will *laughs* Peace out, e-rokin baby! Time to hang with my bro, yo!
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