Monday, March 24, 2003

You know what's rather alarming? You're sleeping on a couch in someone else's house. While dozing, you smell something a little...different. You crack your eyes open, and there's a black lab like...nose to nose with you! Scared me to death!! So, that was interesting. What did you do last night? Ha, as if you can answer me. I watched the Oscars, talked to people on line, including Sunnie, which is always fun! We never get to do that, because she lives down the fall from me. *laughs* Hope the medical procedures she was conducting last night went well. *HAHA!!*

So I watched the Oscars, like I said. YAY for Catherine Zeta-Jones!!! Best supporting actress, baby! She's one of my all time favorites, and she was so incredibly good in "Chicago" !! I love her voice. I wanna be her when I grow up! Although, I think I'd...yeah I wouldn't go down the Michael Douglas road, but that's just me. Anyway, ever since last night, I've had "I Move On" stuck in my head! That's the song from "Chicago" that was up for best song, that Queen Latifah and Catherine Zeta-Jones performed at the awards. I love that song *grins* I of course have the soundtrack, so that makes me happy.

"I Move On"


While truckin down the road of life

Although all hope seems gone

I just move on

When I can't find a single star

To hang my wish upon

I just move on

I move on

I run so fast

A shot gun blast

Can hurt me not one bit

I'm on my toes

Cause heaven knows

A moving target's hard to hit

So as we play

In life's ballet

We're not the dying swan

We just move on

We move on

Just when it seems

We're out of dreams

And things have got us down

We don't despair

We don't go there

We hang our bonnets out of town

So there's no doubt

We're well cut out

To run life's marathon

We just move on

We just move on

So fleet of foot

We can't stay put

We just move on

Yes, we move on

Well, I really hope today is a good day. After the dog woke me up, my nose started bleeding, so I couldn't fall back to sleep. So...we shall see what we see. I hope nothing bad happens! I'm still in a good mood! *laughs* Well, I'm gonna try to find something to do...Kelly is next door at the group home she works at (cuz I'm still at her boss's house) and she works from 6am-9am. Then it's off to set painting! Woo-hoo! *haha*. So, we'll see what we see when we see it. Later!

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