I ended up stowing away for awhile with Kaitlin, telling secrets and updating each other on...stuff. She has better stories than me now! Know what I mean, jelly bean? Think happy thoughts...girly happy thoughts. Yeah, WAY better stories than me! Oh, well. I'll get over it.
After set painting, I went to...YAY! The Orthodontist! Now isn't that just the best place on earth? Absolutely...*pause* Okay! After that, I went home. My mom told me I wasn't allowed to make any noise whatsoever...she wanted the afternoon alone to herself to...clean? Yeah...hmmm....So I stayed in my room, carried around my discman and rearranged the entire place, just like I said I would! It took me up until about an hour ago to finish it...good glory! Yeah, know what else? The house, looks just as messy. What did she clean?? I missed it. I was called down to make dinner, but I casually disappeared to do laundry instead. Unwilling to wait for me to eat, they made the spaghetti themselves. I was so proud! *laughs* My room looks smaller, but it's cozy. Well...yeah. Bor-ing! See? Nothing interesting. I only got yelled at twice by my parents today...hmmm...tomorrow more set painting. There's a project to keep my busy. Well! Maybe something great will happen tomorrow, eh? Over and out...yo.
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