Thursday, November 17, 2005

Yo homie, Gilligan! We's goin back to da islands! Hehehe. Well, I haven't started an entry like that in awhile. Anyway! I'm on my break here at Dunn Bros. Wait...what? TIME WARP! Yeah, I'm back here again. And I don't have much time left on my break, so I'll have to be as brief as possible. Let's see...

I quit got a job at Dunn Bros, quit Caribou, and Elke got fired. Wee! Was that brief enough? I don't really feel like going into all the details. Why focus on the negative?? I'd much rather focus on all the wonderful things going on in my life.

I've been sorta stressed about the Alabama thing. But now, I have a place to live, and I plan on leaving on January 13th! WEE! I'm really excited. Excited about actually moving, excited about where I'm living and who I'm living with, excited that I get to bring a doggie with me (although it has yet to be determined which one) and overall, I am SOOOOO excited to be able to see BJ whenever I want to.

I've already got the majority of my packing done, that's how excited I am. 2 months in advance! I can't wait. BJ is going to buy a one-way ticket and drive down there with me. Things are good now.

I don't know what I'm going to do about Christmas. I don't have the money to shop for everybody, not only that...but I have no idea WHAT to get for anyone. Crazy crazy crazy.

So that's about all I've got for now. Write more when I've got more time!!

Later taters!


Monday, October 17, 2005

I don't hate today. I didn't hate yesterday either. In fact, life is getting better. Not that it was exactly bad before, but...hey. I've learned how to ignore some things and let them slide. I can't change people, and I can't make them see things the way I want them to see them. That's pretty much darn near impossible. So! How are things? Let me tell you.

People still complain about me talking to BJ too much. Except that I don't, I really don't. Kelly, I wish you could have been around when Paul basically lived in our house, then you really wouldn't be saying these things to me now. Your sisters are in love, why is that a bad thing?

Before BJ came along, long before BJ came along, I was not a happy person. I was continually attacked by my parents, and I would turn to Kelly. Every single time I'd call her and beg her to rescue me. If ever I needed anything, she was who I would call. A movie buddy, a trip to Target, a place to stay... that's just the way things were. But then she moved out East. I tried it for awhile and it didn't work out. The thing is though, not having Kelly near by made me fend for myself. I get along with my parents because I had to. I take myself places because I had to. If there's a disaster, I handle it on my own. Sure, she'll hear about it...but I would handle it. That's the way it had to be. I became an independant person. I don't depend on her to make me happy anymore.

Before BJ my days were filled with silence. People say he takes up so much of my time. Well...what occupied that time before? NOTHING. I wasn't going places, I wasn't doing things with people, I wasn't spending hoards of time with my family. Every one in my life has their own life. GOOD!!! Jamie has friends, and he doesn't come home after school. Sunnie doesn't even live at home anymore. My mom loves to shop shop shop and I've never in the history of the world enjoyed doing that with her. BJ didn't change my routine. What DID change my routine though was my work schedule. 3:45 every morning...I'm a freaking zombie. Those silences would be more frequent now than ever, except that I have something to fill those silences with. Kelly's at work, Jamie's at school, parents are gone, Sunnie is gone... I'm alone a lot, but I don't feel alone anymore. I have BJ. Stop hating me for it.

People blaming BJ for them missing me is really starting to get to him. No one is falling over themselves to spend time with me, and the truth of the matter is I don't want them to. I'm BORING. You never know what you've got until it's gone. Nobody wanted to occupy my silences until I found something else to fill them with. Something that wasn't my family. You didn't miss the boat, it never set sail. It's been docked with a hole in the bottom for years. I repaired it, and now it floats, but it still isn't going anywhere. Not until January anyway. WEE! Oh, it can't come soon enough.

I'm sick and tired of people making me feel bad for changing. I'm not a depressed psychotic teenager anymore. I don't write melancholy poetry, and I don't resent everyone for smiling. I'm the one smiling now. The tables have turned and I'm happy. Sunnie understands me, which I never thought to be possible. I'm really sad she's gone now. I miss her.

Sunnie and Paul... I've learned so much from them. Sunnie and Paul...he lived down the street from her and they would still be on the phone and AIM at the same time. Sunnie and Paul...they are each other's worlds, and nobody ever got enraged at them for it. Why me?

I know the difference. Sunnie's world has always been a lot bigger than mine. Family was there, but not as prominent. She had places to go, and people to go with, and so we got used to her needing other people. She loves her friends, and especially her boyfriend, and that's always been Sunnie. What has Corrie been? The cold shouldered loner who claimed that she didn't need anybody outside of her family to make her happy. So no one ever got used to her phone conversations, or her longings to be with someone else. But for's just that one person. All that desire concentrated onto one human being, but Sunnie always had hers more spread out, and so no one really noticed. She fit into that scene, and the picture was widely accepted. My picture looks crude and artificial, so nobody likes it. Well, tough. God's the artist, so deal with it.

I wish Corrie and BJ were immediately accepted like Sunnie and Paul. Don't get me wrong, everyone loves BJ, and they love that I love him...but they don't want me to change. I'm sorry, but I have to. The rest of my life is going to be with this man, and I need to know him. sum it up, I'm just tired of people saying I don't spend time with them, or all I think about is BJ blah blah blah. I'm around everyone so much, you'd think they'd be sick of me. I wish they would tell me what they really want...but they don't. They're scared of something. They do things without me all the time. What are they talking about????

Moving on. I had THE BEST TRIP TO ALABAMA! It was so wonderful. I kinda felt like I was in the way,(BJ and his family were in the process of moving) but...I still had a wonderful time. Here's the short version:

1. Friday, October 7th-- Arrived in AL, went to Wal-Mart, ate dinner, fell asleep...

2. Saturday, October 8th-- Day trip to TN!! BJ met Randy, Jackie, Melissa, Joey, and Melody! Jackie made dinner. We got home at 2:30am.

3. Sunday, October 9th--Went to church at Frazer for both the traditional and contemporary services. THEN we hit up the Montgomery Zoo for FREE!! We even got a train ride. After that we visited Kris and family, ate some chicken, watched EVITA...well, tried to...(BJ and I fell asleep...sorry Kris!)

4. Monday, October 10th-- FAIR DAY! First, we went to the new house so they could show me around, and hung out with the family a bit. Then BJ and I hit the Alabama National Fair! I really did have a wonderful time. Granted, I got a little sick on a couple of the rides, it was one of the greatest days of my life. I even got to fulfill a little fantasy of mine of kissing at the top of the ferris wheel. *te-he-he*

5. Tuesday, October 11th-- Hung out at the house, cuddled a bit, brought mom some lunch at work, went shopping for my mom's birthday present, visited Nicole at her dorm, went home, ate dinner, watched Cellular, fell asleep, woke up, went to new house at 1:30am or so to find my Bambi DVD BJ had packed with his stuff, went to "wal-mart" (haha) came home, went to bed...

6. Wednesday, October 12th-- woke up, snuggled, cuddled, sniffled, went to Oaktree, went to dad's shop, went to airport, tearful goodbye... home again, time to celebrate Mom's birdthay! Wee...

So that was the trip in a nutshell. When I first got there, BJ greeted me with a bouquet of roses, and a heart shaped balloon that said "I Love You", and then he presented me with a ring. It was his mother's, and it's going to serve as a promise ring. I was I was so happy. It made me really happy...I love it so much. I love HIM so much!! I really miss him. He's coming up here for like...a day in December for my birthday. (December 15th for those of you who have forgotten). And then I move in January!

In other news, Caribou is interesting. Elke has taken another job managing a new store in Maplewood. Fazoli's is becoming a Caribou with another bou-thru, and it is opening December 31st. I plan on moving mid-January, so I offered to move with Elke and help her get started for a couple weeks. She was all for it! Part of it was selfish, because I didn't want to waste my time trying to impress another manager when I can just follow the one who loves me to a store right by the mall. Yes! yeah. Today was fun at work, I was really entertaining with my broadway parodies...Caribou style. Elke was begging me to perform at some annual Caribou meeting or something. I said I would if she gave me a million dollars. She said she would work on that. HAHA!

Well, I better get going. Later taters!!


Sunday, October 02, 2005

To quote my little brother, "I hate today!" I can't wake up. I'm not really sleeping, but I'm in a groggy semi-nightmare and I want out. Saturdays are special. Saturdays are typically known around the country as date nights. My boyfriend lives 20 hours away, so understandably we cannot partake of said date night. Satudays also bring the promise of free cell phone calls all day long. Sundays hold the same promise, but there's something about Saturdays.

Saturdays are my date day with my boyfriend, they have been...forever. When both of us are not busy, we spend the time together via the phone. I take BJ with me on errands, he keeps me company while I cook, he joins in on family's the next best thing to having him here. I talk to him until my battery dies. (My cell phone and my body) I need that....and it's only once a week.

During the week, I get to talk to BJ anywhere from half an hour to an hour in the later evening roughly between 9:30 and 10. If we talk duing the day, the conversation is brief and is usually abruptly ended by myself, who is overly concerned with cell phone minutes. I look forward so much to Saturdays.

One thing I think people forget about is I DON'T GET TO SEE HIM!!! I used to get annoyed with how often Paul would call for Sunnie, partially because they got to see each other all the time. Everyone gets annoyed with me now, but it's so different. Saturdays are all I've got! And I don't even get to see him. I don't get to feel him next to me, I don't get to hug him, nothing. I just get to talk to him, and we get to include each other in our day. We spend the day together. It's the closest thing we've got.

Yesterday was Saturday. I waited all week for Saturday. I have the day off from Caribou. Caribou is a fun job, but a lot of work. Kelly loves it, but if she worked a morning she might reconsider. The whole morning is one big rush and you feel like your brain is disconnected and floating away at times. Your hands can't keep up. My schedule is making me a vegetative psychopath. I can't exist. 3:45 every morning, and non-stop craziness until 11. I go home and I collapse, no good for anybody.

I'm never not tired, and health issues make everything that much more hellish. I feel like my mind is much, and slowly draining out my ear.

I quit Getdown because I felt like I had nothing left to contribute. That mushy mind of mine decided that it was done with ideas. It has reduced itself to the redundant existence of me...the faithful Caribou employee, the girl who sleeps the day away, and the girl who feels like no matter whose life she touches, ends up doing less good and more evil. She can't be herself anymore, because herself oozed out her ear along with her mushy brain.

The one thing my mind can focus on, is the chaotic wheel of decisions and emotional issues surrounding the move in January. I know I want to do it, I almost know exactly where to... everyone seems to have a different opinion. Of course I want to be with BJ from now until forever, but I have a lot of fears to work through.

My mind also focuses on my personal problems with myself. My insecurities. BJ opened that Pandora's box a couple nights ago. Things I've been avoiding since day one with him. Oh well. He went for it, he got it.

Anyway...yesterday was Saturday. From 5pm-8pm, I had my ear piece in my ear, and I talked to BJ until my battery died. During that time, Kelly came home from work, she and I went to Target and Wal-Mart. Much of the time BJ just listened quietly while Kelly and I searched for Halloween costumes and browsed the home decor section of Target. I was spending time with my sister, but it was my way of including BJ. It was our date day.

After my phone died, Kelly and I finished up at Wal-Mart and then headed to Blockbuster. We were in search of entertainment for the evening, but we came up empty handed. We decided to go home and eat and watch Sunnie's copy of Fever Pitch. I had seen it, Kelly and Jamie hadn't.

Kelly made a delicious pot roast dinner, so we ate ourselves to happy tummies. BJ called once but I decided not to answer, so we could have dinner together. By the time he called again, I had finished eating, so I answered and went up to my room. I told Kelly I wouldn't watch the whole movie, and she was fine with that.

Since we were no longer at a discount store in the company of my sister, BJ and I used the time to talk about real things. When the movie ended I was in my parents room (where Kelly is staying because they're out of town) checking my email. I told her I wouldn't be long, she said good because she had to go to bed. She went in the bathroom to brush her teeth. She came out with tears in her eyes and started scolding me for ditching her and Jamie for any other reason besides going to bed. Her voice got louder and more angry as I tried to brush it off, and I started to get more angry. Nobody seems to understand about Saturdays. Nobody seems to understand that I break in half everyday because I'm not with him.

BJ is my best friend. I tell him everything. He talks me through everything. He is always there, no question. He tosses his own schedule to the wind, just so he can be there for me. He wakes himself up every day Monday-Friday at 3am just so he can keep me company and ensure the fact that I'll have a good day. He is everything to me. I've waited my whole life to be loved and cherished, and now I am. I have someone who WANTS to be with me everyday, no matter how emotional or psychotic I might seem. He wants to help me deal with my past, be a constant in my present, and be with me for my entire future. Why can't I just have my Saturdays?

Even though I tried to defend myself inside my head, I felt terrible. I hung up with BJ and I cried. I felt myself slipping. It was already night, but it was still getting darker.

I woke up this morning with a heavy heart. I couldn't move. I talked to BJ until he had to get ready for church. Him going to church means so much to me. I changed him and I feel terrible. He used to go all the time. Now he would rather talk to me. I can't stand that. I pushed him off the phone with the firm belief that he would follow through like he said and go to church. I stayed in bed for hours. I felt sick. Kelly called to ask me to help. I couldn't make sense of her words in my head. I was in that groggy nightmare. She said goodbye, but my goodbye didn't make sound before I hung up, so I guess I hung up on her. I can't remember the conversation.

BJ called on his way to work, thinking how hilarious it was that after he had hung up with me he went back to sleep. My heart broke a little. God used to be more important to him than that. How did I change that? I was sad...but for once he didn't pick up on that, so it was a light conversation, and I went back to bed. I got up every once in awhile and do...things. I'm not even sure. One time I found that Darla had eaten an entire box of apple donuts. I was furious.

BJ called on his break. I didn't answer. I was too exhausted. Instead, I silenced the phone. I fell asleep. Depression can do that. Puts you right out. I woke up to four missed calls, and an empty house. Kelly had taken Jamie to a movie. We had decided yesterday to all go together today. I guess what I had done last night kicked me out of that scenario. I started to cry. I screamed into a pillow. Nothing makes sense.

I felt irrational. Why was I so upset? Nothing had happened. But of course, if one little thing makes you upset, that snowball starts rolling down the hill, packing along with it a new problem on each side every time it makes a full circle. Pretty soon the cloud above your head is so big, you just panic. You can't remember what set it off, but you can sit and dwell for hours on everything that's wrong in your life, and everything that makes you sad. It's pathetic. I'm pathetic.

Now here I am writing this, and I'm trying to be honest with myself. I'm on the pill that makes me sick, I'm on the pill and I'm still spotting. (My journal, I can talk about periods...) So I have my period, and I'm still on the pill that messes with your hormones and makes me sick....wee! Weather changes create bad breathing, so I'm sick in mutiple ways, I have a cold, and so I'm just all types of crabby. So that's how I rationalize my behavior. And yet...I still don't understand people. I feel disliked, and I know that's not irrational. Some think I'm fat, some think I'm mean, some think I'm selfish...lately I've been asked how I see myself. I'm so consumed with other people's opinions, that it's been quite a chore to find one of my own. I still don't have it nailed down, but I do know that I'm unhappy with myself. Maybe someday I'll figure that out. I'm too tired to make sense to myself, or to anyone else.

My mom told me awhile back that I've been checking myself out of life. I resented her at the time, but she's right. I'm retreating into something else and I disappear from time to time. It's not even close to a fraction of how bad it was "back in the day"... back in my junior year of highschool. I have a good life and good people in it. I just wonder sometimes if I'm considered a good person in anyone else's life. I used to think that I was...such a good person. Always there for everybody. I'd loan you a million dollars if I had it. But I also remembered sacrificing my own happiness constantly just to see somebody else smile. I don't do that anymore. I found things that make me really happy, and I refuse to give those up. If that makes me really selfish, I'm sorry... actually I'm not. I deserve it.

Kelly and Jamie are at the movies now, and I'm glad I'm writing this out so I don't explode all over innocent bystanders. I probably need the time alone to sit and reflect on the chaos. Maybe I should leave me cell phone on silent. Maybe I'll exist tomorrow. Who knows.

Well, I feel like I just wrote a novel. Time to go. Later!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Today feels really weird. It's Saturday, and I stayed in bed until noon. I didn't sleep til' noon, mind you. I just lounged. I listened to the hectic hustle and bustle of Jamison begging my mom for a ride to work. I heard my mom scream back that she was busy and that it was beautiful outside. I then heard my dad scream up the stairs that he would take him. It was funny...I didn't exist.

Usually I don't get to was really strange. Last Saturday was my first Saturday "off" but I wasn't really off. I went in for my one-on-one with Elke, and then ended up working for free to help Kelly out. Interesting, huh? So today...I didn't know what to do with myself. I still don't, so I'm at the library. Figures. There aren't any movies I want to see, so here I am. Typical Corrie, right? I know I know.'s the big news. Are you ready for it? Okay, here goes!

I'M MOVING TO ALABAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I know. Say what? No, I'm not married, not even engaged. (as all you Caribou people keep asking quote Lauren before I left MN for AL the last visit: "Have fun Corrie. Have a safe drive, a good trip, and don't forget to get engaged. Be like 'BJ, when are you going to engage me? In marriage?' yeah, Corrie. Yeah."---another gut busting moment from Lauren Michels.)

But I am moving there for so many reasons. To be with BJ obviously, to get away from home, to start a new's time. I'm leaving in January.

Of course there are multiple fears and inhibitions but those come free of charge when you make a gigantic life altering decision. Life wouldn't be life without them. I AM scared, but I can do it. I just need to find a place to live, find a job that will allow me to afford everything I need and give me health insurance. (dental would be fun too). I need furniture, I need car insurance... I need money. I have a car payment, cell phone, medications, car insurance...and a whole new state to get aquainted with. Saying goodbye to a past and hello to a future. Hello to the beginning of the rest of my life with the man I love. Yes.

So...that's my update. Time to go.


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Not much to write about. I mean there is, but I don't feel like it. I'm kind of blah without BJ. I miss him so much. This is hard. It's TOO hard...but it can't be. It has to work, because I need him. I love him so much. He's my everything.

So I could write about him all day, but I'll save that for myself. In other news... Caribou is fun, but it's a lot of work and it's tiring. Back to BJ---I'm planning on going to see him in a little over three weeks! Wee! Okay, sorry...another topic, another topic...

Um... I'm house sitting! But I decided not to sleep there because I got no cell phone signal and after nine is when I get to talk to BJ! Another topic, another topic...

Let's see. Kelly's doing well at Caribou. I'm back at First as a youth leader for yet another year. Well, maybe. I may be relocating. Somewhere down south to be with that other topic. But until then, I'm the drama director again. Perry maybe wants to do a musical in November! Wee! We'll see what happens.

So...I have to go call and harass kids to be in a skit on Monday. Fun stuff. Later taters!


Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hey people! I haven't written in awhile. I'm sure there are things I have to write about, but I can't think straight right now. Guess where I am? Alabama! WEE! Guess WHAT I am? HAPPY! Kelly and I drove about 20 hours straight through to get here. It was semi-miserable with all my back problems, but I survived.

Kelly works at Caribou now, and she's home! Oh yeah...there was that whole family reunion thing...I'm sure I'll talk about that later. If I feel like it. Right now I'm trying to figure out exactly why I'm in here, and not in the other room with BJ.



Thursday, August 11, 2005

I'm exhausted. Life is such a ride. And right now it's at one of those jilting turns that turns my stomach and gives me a headache at the same time. Let's attempt that whole short version thing.

I don't understand Kris. I try to have conversations with him abouot how grateful I am to him, and how much his friendship means to me, and he doesn't really continue the conversations, and then tells people I want nothing to do with him. He says sometimes he wishes he had never joined ksite. (which basically means he wishes he had never met Kelly, and therefore I never would have met BJ.) Then he says I'm just BJ's internet I'm not...then says Kelly, BJ and I are a clique that we don't want him to be a part of. And that's not all! He's told BJ he's afraid of gettinng between us, or messing things up, or afraid that I don't like him and things w ill be strained that way, whatever. So I try to talk to Kris, and thank him for everything, and how BJ and I couldn't have happened without him, and tell him how much he and his friendship means to me. Both times I tried he had to go. Then he has the nerve to tell people I want nothing to do with him. AHHH! I'm just really hurt and confused by him. BJ and I are not an internet relationship, not at all.

Anyway...that wasn't short. I suck at short. What else is new? I took on another job @ Avalon. We'll see if I end up dead. I'm sleepy. All the time. Lately, Ii just have felt like I don't exist. There's been this constant tension between my mom and I. I seriously haven't seen her or any other member of my family for almost a week. I've just been sad. Incomplete. A ghost. I haven't existed. I go to work, I run errands, I go to sleep. I go to work, and the cycle continues. It's sad but true.

Sunnie is moving out in October. Maybe I'll see her more then. She's home as little as possible. I understand... she's with Paul. I'd be with BJ if I could.

In other news...I got home from work today and was told I was getting kicked out of my room. Why? Because my uncles Scott and Danny made a surprise visit. I was very happy to see them, and I'm so glad they're here, but they're here because my Grandpa is visiting from Arizona for possibly the last time. He got really sick really fast, and I just feel...more sad. I really really love him and I probably have to say goodbye. I feel like I spend way too much time saying goodbye to people. I don't want to do it anymore.

My uncles leave on Saturday, Joey and Melissa get here on Sunday, and Kelly gets here the 20th. Then she and I leave the evening of the 24th, and I see BJ the 25th! Then I'll be able to breathe. I love him so much.

So that's it for now. I'm exhausted...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Wuzzup? Yeah, I didn't think so. Anyway! I'm in a pretty good mood. Not really sure why. At the library again. Maybe gonna grab a few movies. I'm unbelievably tired, but that's okay. It's a rainy day, so it will be nice nap time when I go home. Work has been work. I did bar again today, and Sunnie came to visit. That was nice. So what's been going on? Sheesh...why can't I ever remember when I set out to write something in this thing? I'm losing it. Oh, well. Let me think.

I want a Golden Retriever! And I'm gonna get one someday too. Or a Lab. We shall see. I want a big doggie, along with my little fluffer ball, Cody. He's the best dog in the whole wide world, so I hardly doubt any other dog could come close.

So...let's see. Any juicy details about anything? I LOVE BJ! Oh, that's no secret. Darn. Hmmm... I need a new bed. There's a juicy secret. No, not really. I just can't sleep on it anymore. It hurts my back. I need a new back. Anyone tired of theirs and wanna donate it to the cause? Oh, if only things worked that way.

Elke was telling me how great I was yesterday. That was fun. How much she appreciates me, and how much I mean to the store. Cool.

So...Everything that I have running through my head I shouldn't write about, and won't write about, but it's all I want to think about, so everything else just kind of gets lost in the fog. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (I'm talking about...Plan See of course)

So here's some news. My grandma forever has been trying to get me books about script writing, stage direction, casting and directing, blah blah blah. Yesterday she offered to get me a book on how to set up a successful church drama program. HA! Funny lady. She just doesn't think I know what I'm doing. Then she read See Me Through. She apologized endlessly for doubting me and kept saying "I had no idea you could do this! This is so GOOD!" Hehehehe. That made me happy.

So let's re-cap my weekend. Friday, Andrew came over. Saturday, I worked in the morning, drove Jamie around, and then took Jamie and Andrew to the movies. (Talking to BJ on and off throughout the day) We saw "Dukes of Hazzard". It was very much a Jamie kind of movie. Then I went home and went to bed, then talked to BJ. Jamie and Andrew were SOOOOOO loud all night, I got no sleep. I woke up in a lot of pain, from all the tenseness, and just sleep. I couldn't get up and go to church. Instead, I went downstairs all greasy and sweaty from the tossing and turning from the night before, ate some of my mom's blueberry bread, and we watched "Untamed Heart" on TV.

My Grammy showed up later and I ended up going home with her. We ate lunch, watched "The Fighting Temptations" and then she read See Me Through while I chatted with BJ. I went home around 7:30pm, showered, and then had my dad read See Me Through. Then I talked to Kelly for a long time, and then I watched Cheaters with my mom. Then...I went to bed, and talked to BJ. Then I worked. Wee!

Yeah, my life is sooooooooo exciting. But it is, actually.

Everything I've ever wanted is at my fingertips now, and that IS really exciting. I'm in love with a wonderful man, people are reading the things I write, I write and direct dramas, and I'm IN CHARGE of a church drama program... I have a connection to RJ Helton, I mean...geez! Life is good. It's not perfect. (Perfect will come when I no longer live at home).

So, that's all I have to say for now. Later taters!


Friday, August 05, 2005

I hate Bou Gourmet. It's too much work. It's not all it's cracked up to be. The customers don't like it. Bah...oh well. I got talked up to the vice president of the entire Caribou corporation. Interesting...

Is it possible to die from missing someone? I think it is. Am I close? I feel like I am, but I hope I'm not. I only have to make it until August 25th, and then I'll be okay. Until I go back home. And then I WILL die, pretty sure of it. Or at least part of me will until I see him again. Am I pathetic? Yes...probably. But I'm in love. That's allowed, right? It has to be.

What else is going on? RJ Helton e-mailed me back. He's going to read the script when he gets back from LA in 2 weeks. AHHH! If I die, that would be the thing that does it. Nervous anticipation. Freaking out. I keep reading the script which is probably a bad idea, because I'm so critical of it, that I'm starting to hate it, and I don't want to! I won't love it until it "passes". That's so stupid, and yet it's true. Grrr...

I don't feel like writing, even though I'm sure there are things to write about. Let me think... work work work... hmm... yeah I really can't think of anything else to write/complain about. I'm at the library again. Today is pay day! This lady today in the DT paid for a 4 something dollar drink with a 20, and we didn't have enough change because EVERYONE was paying with 20s, so Karley went to go get change, but the lady just grinned and said "Keep it". and gave us over a $15.00 tip! We were so happy. GRanted it had to be split 8 ways, and then 10 ways after 6am. But it still brought the dollar total to 7-8 dollar bills a person. We usually never get more than 2.

So that's my news for today. I'm sure I'll have something more interesting to talk about some other time.


Sunday, July 31, 2005

Everything hurts. My head is pounding, my back and neck and shoulders feel like they're being torn apart. The past couple of days have been so roller coaster emotional, that there was a lot of tension built up. Now that the tension is subsiding, it's melting away and my body is experiencing the aftermath. It HURTS. I can barely move. I don't think I'm going to church today. We'll see.

So what happened in the last couple of days to make me feel like that? The briefest explanation possible:

1. I won the "Service excellence award" at Caribou

2. I almost killed Jon

3. I went to Grammy's and got the best news of my life.

4. Had to run to the bathroom before acting on it.

5. Called and spoke with RJ HELTON!!! - talked about Plan See and See Me Through! He wants to be involved! He asked for my phone number! We'll "Be in touch"!!!!!!!!

6. Had to sit still and concentrate on a movie with GRammy.

7. E-mailed RJ Helton the rest of my information, as per his request.

8. Went home to thaw

9. Talked to Nikki, who freaked out with me and got me all excited again.

10. Had bad chicken, a fight, and threw up.

11. Worked Slice of Shoreview and didn't really have to "work at all"!

12. Almost died from heat exhaustion.

13. Went home and talked to BJ for hours and fell even more in love with him.

Sound like fun? Well, it was a lot to handle. I'm exhausted beyond belief. Pain is an understatement. I need a full body massage. My head is spinning...and not just from the good news, actually feels like it's spinning. I walked down the hallway this morning and almost fell over. What fun says I! Not so good. Well, I guess I better get going and finish my laundry. Wee! I'm excited. Later taters.

Taters, precious!


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Today was a good day! No JON! Wee! Although, he got there ten minutes before I got off, and he thought it would be f un to try and balance a sample cup with coffee in it on my head. Karley, tryinig to save me and possibly him from my wrath said "I wouldn't do that, Jon. Corrie's not in a good mood." Which I was almost offended by, until Karley explained later that she said that to save me...anyway, he said "Well, I always bug Corrie." Uh....then stop!

So, no Jon = instant better mood! Making pretty good tips (which I am hiding all of in my glove compartment.) Worked til 11, came home, drove Jamie to work, took a nap, woke up, picked Jamie up (while parking illegally because Marketfest prep had begun and the roads Downtown were blocked...)then I played with the TiVo, then I read some of a really boring book, talked to Kelly, talked to Grammy (who I made plans with for tomorrow) and now here I am!

Elke came into work today, but she didn't talk to me. ( I was too busy and she was too busy) She took the t ime off schedule for August with her, and she's been gone all week so I haven't been able to request days off. So yesterday I left a note. It said something to the effect of:

"Elke- the August schedule hasn't exactly been around, but I'm hoping a months' notice is enough notice. If it isn't, that's really sad. See, my sister is moving home on August 20th, and she and I have decided to take a road trip to Alabama August 25th-30th. She desperately wants to meet BJ and I desperately want to go. You see I'm sad, lonely, pathetic and in love. I really hope the time off schedule isn't full. If it is, I might do something stupid. I'm crazy! - Coco. "

Haha! So when I got in this morning, I realized my note was no longer in her box. She came in yesterday and must have taken it with her. Which hopefully means she was writing it on the schedule FOR me. WEE! I'm kinda going either way so it doesn't really matter.

So, nothing much else to report. Tomorrow (Friday) is a normal workday, but Saturday I'm working at a fair called "Slice Of Shoreview". With who? Just Elke and ANthony. I must be their favorite. Or they want me to die...we'll find out.

More later I'm sure!


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Yay for crabby day! Because I was. REALLY crabby. I'm not entirely sure why. Everything just annoyed me. I opened Caribou today as usual. Karley was late for the first time. Everything was going fine.

Do you ever get the feeling that you're just annoying people? That they're sick of you? I know that wasn't really the case, because I was barely saying anything. But as soon as I did, someone would jump on me, make fun of me...whatever. Sure it was all in fun. It usually is. Sarcasm is thick in the Caribou drive-thru. But for some reason today, I felt like the only one who was getting picked on. Probably because I was. Oh, well. I probably deserved it.

Jon irritates me to no end. He thinks he's hilarious, but he seriously pisses me off. He likes to throw things at me. Milk caps, clutches, straws, rags... he likes to put things on my register when I'm in the middle of an order. He likes to hit buttons when I'm waiting on a customer. He likes to pretend to get in my way when I try to walk to the back room. He's thirty something, married with two kids, and he is less mature than my sixteen year old brother. He's a shift supervisor, and so he likes to boss me around, even though he knows that I know way more than he does. I want to hit him every time he talks to me. I hate how irritable he makes me. One bad apple, I tell ya.

So he was probably why I was so crabby. ARGH! And the girls who are supposed to make coffee for the DT and just...didn't. So everyone was mocking the way I talk and laughing and saying "Corrie, shut up. We're not your friends." And I know they're kidding, but they're probably right. We all do it to each other, nobody likes you, etc etc. We never mean it. But today my head made it feel real. I was irritated annoyed and just plain crabby, and then people were calling me crabby, which made me more crabby, and then I was crabby at myself for being crabby, and I just needed to leave.

When there were lulls in the drive-thru is when my mind would wander and I'd start feeling sorry for myself. I got mad at myself for doing that too. But it just makes you think... all these people I see every single day, and I spend more time with them than anyone else in my entire life. They're work buddies. But they're surface. If I had a problem in my life, there's not a single person among them who I would call or want to talk to. Ironically, until Kelly moves home, the two people I would give the "3am emergency need to talk" call to live miles and miles away.

BJ is so crucial to me, that I find it difficult to talk to anyone else about anything. He and Kelly are the people I want to inform first, and then I go from there. Where does that leave me? Completely and totally phone dependant, and when I'm sad, I have a pile of pillows to form around me so they can hug me back. I'm pathetisad. I know it.

So I was depressing myself with the realization that these people around me could basically care less. The people that I care about most aren't around. (Til Kelly gets home August 20th!! WEE) And the person I really want to be with...well...he's elsewhere. I feel bad, because I have nobody else to complain to except those two people. Sucks to be them!

I realized something else. I am fabulous at making work friends. Reason being is because the relationships are so surface, that's it's safe. I don't have to let them anywhere near me, and they don't really want to. Friendships are hard work, and I think I'm too exhausted. I'm not saying I don't welcome new friendships, because I do. I just think work friends can't be trusted. Haha... you never really get a chance to know each other.

Anyway. So I was mean and crabby today, and I didn't like myself very much. But I'm better now. I think I got an idea for a new book. Wee! So anyway. I think that's all for now. Almost...

I'm going on a road trip to Alabama! Providing I get the time off...or not. I'm going anyway! With Kelly. Just the two of us, in my little white Neon. Yes! That's good news. So now I'm done. Really truly. Peace.


Monday, July 25, 2005

What have I got to report? Hmmm... well, I'm not as down as I was before. There are certainly things that could be better in my life but I am willing and able to deal with such problems. Some aren't problems, just...moments. And others...well, others are just difficult. But without those difficulties, I wouldn't have the good stuff in between. And the good stuff is SO worth it.

So! Caribou goes on. Megan quit. I'm depressed. The good people are dropping like flies, I'm telling you. Megan called in sick one day, because she was puking everywhere. Elke told her "Either you or somebody else has to be here at the beginning of your shift." Basically an 'or else!' statement. Megan shrugged it off, didn't go in, and that was that. I talked to her today on the phone. First time I've talked to her since I got home from Alabama. It was nuts! I miss her.

You is so weird. Not weird, blessed. Sometimes I just have to stop and reflect on what my life has been like within the last couple years. Moved to and from NEW YORK...Nannied for Edmond, was in a wedding that totally changed things. (October 17th) Then December came around, and that's the biggest 'WHOA NO WAY!' moment of all. Meeting BJ.

Neither of us is 'one of those people'. But, wow.

No single fiber of my being would have ever imagined that "Yes...this nice boy I met on the internet through my sister is going to be the first guy I fall madly in love with. WITH meaning especially that it would be mutual. He would come to Minnesota and meet my family, charm my dog, have my Grammy fall in love with him, and woo my friends. I never would have imagined going down there to surprise him. I wouldn't have thought it would have ever even had a chance or working out.

It's just something to totally sit back and marvel at. It's crazy! But in a good way. Just like me! Bwa-ha-ha.

IN other news, I haven't got any. I don't think...I've seen a few movies recently. I would highly recommend "The Island". It's extraordinary, although it completely pissed me off, because it seems really...likely. I can totally see something like that happening in the future. It's enraging.

So life is tolerable, though in need of change. I'll get to that soon I hope. I also hope to be taking a little trip down south in October, if not before. And by that I mean I've been given the possibility yet again of moving to Tennessee. We'll see what happens. Obviously I don't know what to expect in my life.

So I guess that's it for now. When I come up with a few more interesting things to write about, I will. Later!

C'est moi

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Life is so much fun. I'm exhausted. Exhausted from all the "fun". I'm tired of being upset, but I'm not entirely sure how to get around it. I knew there would be a backlash from mom when BJ left, so I don't know why I'm having so much trouble dealing with it. There's nothing I can't handle, right? Right. Ok then.

I just feel sad. There's no one reason to pinpoint as to why, I just feel sad. Sadness makes you tired. The past two days I've gotten home from work and slept until at least four. My mom has called me downstairs countless times, but I just stay there. I'm not afraid of her threats. There's nothing she can take away from me. I don't need anything she has control over. I guess there's a little bit of happiness in that.

I really do have a lot in life to be thankful for, but there are just moments when you need to be sad. Mom raised the rent due to dad losing overtime, or so she says. The water bill alone is causing problems, she says. My answer to that? Don't ask the girl who takes three minute showers every other day to give you money, cut back on your whirlpool tubs full of water every night! And as far as dad losing overtime, I can understand how housing me would be such a burden on the limited money supply. I barely eat anything at home. I buy half the groceries, and I clean the house. I'm ruining me...I'm a vegetable. Serves me right for having such a fantastic week with BJ. Nothing can compare now. Everything is boring. The only thing I do outside of work and sleep is go to the library to vent to people who don't really exist.

I shouldn't write when I feel like this, it makes things come across as much worse than they really are, I'm sure of it. But I still do have the same question. If you can't afford to live at home, and you can't afford to move out, where do you go? My mom's response to that question? She laughed at me. I want to hide my head in a hole like an Ostrich and pretend that no one can see me, because I can't see them.

But I CAN see them, that's part of the problem. "Aye me, sad hours seem long." How far away is my birthday? Argh...too far. Much much too far.

The girls at work are so sweet. They keep me sane. I was complaining about my mother the money sucker, and how I probably wouldn't be able to afford to go see BJ in the fall, so they said they were all going to pool their tips, and then they also said that we could do a Corrie car wash fundraiser. They're hilarious. It's the "Corrie's trip to visit BJ fund" as Becky so appropriately named it. I would never let them do that for real.

BJ, if you're reading this...I have to tell you. Elke is so sad she didn't meet you. I guess you'll have to come back afterall. Poor thing.

Anyway...I better go now. My head is a jumbled mess. I miss happy. Come back!

Always, Me

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hello any and all. So... BJ's visit. It happened. It's over now. I won't do a day by day play by play (if you want those details, check out his livejournal. His SN is livin4god1983)because I don't really have the time. I'm at the library. The last time I was here, I was here with BJ. Everything reminds me of him...

It was a good week, but of course it was the best at the end. Everything is so much more empty now. Half of me went away it seems. Every night when he was here, we'd start to fall asleep in my room watching a movie, or just talking, whatever, and then I'd move into Sunnie's room. Well, last night I couldn't fall asleep. I was too used to him being there, so when I woke up this morning, I realized all of my pillows and blankets were pushed up against the wall in a very BJ-like formation. There was even a blanket partially rolled up exactly in the shape of his arm under my head. It was pathetic. I'm pathetic. I know it.

The week started with me being scared of everything. EVERYTHING. It ended with me so unbelievably comfortable that I couldn't imagine today. (the first day without him here)

I really don't know what else to say. I'm sure that everyone who cares has already begged me for details, or has made plans with me to beg me for details at a later date.

I feel so strange. It's like I cut off a limb and actually expect to be able to funtion normally without it. It's definitely going to take some time. There are too many things we planned on doing and didn't do, or couldn't do. It feels incomplete. I have a feeling that it always will. Just like we said before:

(BJ) "It wasn't long enough."

(ME) "But what IS long enough?"

(BJ) "Exactly."

Enough said. It's the truth too. Whatever happens in the future, it will happen. I know that. Everyone has a different opinion about the entire thing, but I know I'm in love with him...and I know that we've put ourselves in a terrible situation. Like I said to him the day he left: "Why are we doing this to ourselves? We're so mean."

So anyway, I'm kinda miserable, and it's impossible to be content with phone calls now. I'm a crazy person. But my Grammy was telling me how she was apart from Grandpa for 13 months at a time, and she had to wait weeks between each letter. No phone calls. I guess I really shouldn't be complaining. It could be worse. A LOT worse. But right now it feels terrible, and I want to wallow in that thank you very much.

So that's all for now I guess. More complaining later.


Monday, July 11, 2005

BJ is here! I'm very happy.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yay! I have good news for once! But first...let me illustrate my frustrations.

BJ is going to be here in a few days, and everything I thought we were going to do, we're not really going to do...except that I'm finding alternatives. We were supposed to go to the drive-in with Sunnie and Paul. That was the ONE AND ONLY thing the four of us were going to do. It was the only thing I could get Sunnie nailed down to. Well, she backed out. FABULOUS! (But...I think we're going with mom and Jamie. 2 cars, thank goodness.) We're still doing the Mall Of America, and lunch with Grammy... and as far as Grand Marais hiking/lighthouse tour goes, my dad's working on it. So...I've been a little overwhelmed. I promised so much, and I'm afraid I can't deliver!

I'm glad we ended up not doing Sonshine, because quite frankly, I can't afford it right now.I have quite a few expenses, and now I have quite a few more. Before I explain that, I have to...ergh.

I asked Sunnie if I could use her car next week for when he's here, because I don't have one and there's no way mom would just let me use hers all week. Sunnie said no. Okay...well...she knows how to drive the truck, I don't. I'd pay for my own gas, she'd still have a vehicle...she still said no. I was so upset, and she said "Don't try and make me feel guilty for owning a car that I paid for all by myself."

Well, I wasn't trying to make her feel guilty! But she should! I let her use my Corsica for many many days...entire days because the Saturn was acting up. I got rides and had mom take me places. Sunnie at least has another car she could drive! It's just...ridiculous. So I was mad. BUT---

After this evening, it's 99.9% sure that I will have a car of my own. WEE! A white 1998 Dodge Neon. (With a CD player...hehehe) The guy asked $2500, but my mom offered $2000 and he accepted. I got the loan today, and my dad's all for it (that was a complete turn around)so...I'll be able to be driving it by tomorrow he says. WEE! Good times.

So Sunnie is probably still mad at me, I just wish she'd change her priorities a little. Just a that's pretty much all I have to report at the moment. Just for giggles I'll fill out the questions from Kelly's livejournal...I think I'm gonna make up my own quiz one of these days. I have a lot of questions nobody ever asks. So...

1. What's your favorite TV show among those that you never thought you'd like or refused to watch, and why did you not want to watch it?

Smallville, because I thought it would be cheesy and dumb...but Kelly begged me to watch, and suddenly I couldn't stop. One of only a few things that she's got me into. Usually it's the other way around.

2. If you could pick any movie (or movie adapted from a book, that is not already a musical) to adapt into a stage musical, what would it be? Remember that Holy Grail has already been there, made a t-shirt, and won a bunch of Tonys.

I agree with Kelly as far as Sense and Sensibility of my all time favorite stories. I'd like to see everything as a musical, really. That would be fun!

3. If you could pick any movie musical to adapt for a Broadway stage, what would it be?

I have two: Newsies and Moulin Rouge. --(Kelly's answers, but yeah! Duh!)And all my favorite Disney musicals that haven't been on stage yet... Cinderella would be good! The Little Mermaid. It could be done!

4. If you could adapt any stage musical into a movie, what would it be?

Into the Woods! Because they already did Phantom of the Opera, and all my other favorite musicals (that I've seen on stage.) were Disney movies.

5. If you could unmake any movie and pretend it never existed, what would it be?

Soul Survivors. And that's all I have to say about that!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

So I'm going to attempt not to go into every little detail about the past couple of weeks. We'll see how I do. I'm at Dunn Bros. right now, after church I headed over here. Maplewood library is usually open on Sundays, but it's closed this weekend for the 4th. ANYWAY...let's see.

The Missions Trip. It started out okay, but it ended with me wanting so badly to be home. I would have been okay with never seeing a single person from First Lutheran ever again. Isn't that tragic? I don't feel that way now anymore, but I was so...deflated. I know that's one of my common words now. But it's still true.

So we went to Six Flags. Found out later that two of our students skipped out of the theme park, shoplifted some liquor, and walked to the hotel. Wee! Great start. These two boys just happened to be the two boys Jamie first made friends with. That still enrages me. The other leaders knew this was going on and never told me. MY BABY BROTHER was with these guys all week!!!! I am so pissed off.

We get to Mississippi, all is well, whatever whatever. The next day we're assigned work groups. I'm assigned with Keith Lomen, a middle aged man who really loves the sound of his own voice. That sounds cruel, but he bullied me all week long.

He didn't acknowledge me as a leader at all, and we were supposed to be equal partners. Well, that didn't happen. Instead he basically treated me like I was astudent...better yet, he treated me like I was invisible and mute. That's how I felt anyway. Except when he was ordering me around. I should have gone to Perry, but I didn't. He had enough on his plate.

Those two students later purchased some cocaine and what not in Coahoma, where we were living for the week. My little brother was around that? He said he wasn't...I just want to cry.

Keith wasn't the only leader who treated me like I was 12, he was just the one I was around the most. Because of how he acted, the students treated me like crap too. I had no authority, and it was preferred that way, I guess.

So to sum it up, I've never felt more worthless. I won't go into detail, because if I'm fortunate, I'll be able to forget it all. Those students were reprimanded in a 4am drug bust on the bus ride back home in the middle of a thunder storm in Iowa. YAY!

We ended the trip at a Bible campe in Iowa. I spent the whole time in my room pretty much. I had held back tears all week, and they just needed to come out.

So I'm home now, and back to normal. I guess...the day after we got back, I had to take Darla to the emergency room. She had a lump on her back that we were supposed to get checked out the next day. Well, I checked the lump and it was gone. Instead there was a lot of crusty matted fur. I thought she rolled in gum. So I went to give her a bath, and that's when I found out it was a huge scab, the lump had basically...exploded. And in the middle was a volcano. I will share what it looked like, because I had to suffer! So should you! At first I thought it was a huge yellow I thought something was living in her.

My mom told Kelly that and she freaked out! Really, as the vet described it, it was a lot of "Yellow curdy substances". It looked like yellow slimy cottage cheese. (Mixed with blood and dark green ooze) Vomit if you will...I surprisingly didn't. After the panic subsided and the vet tech told me they had seen it thousands of times, I was less panicked. My mom couldn't look at it. After a few hours of waiting, the vet finally took Darla in back. Shaved the fur and the scab off, and dug out all the grossness, so she was left with a huge oozing hole in her back about the size of a fifty cent piece.

It was then my job to clean it every day, twice a day, and give her two antibiotic pills a day. She's doing much better now, and it stopped bleeding yesterday. It's about the size of my pinky finger nail now. I'm amazing. Hahaha.

So, that's been the last two weeks. Recovering from misery and focusing all my energy on Kelly's baby girl. She had to have surpervised potty time, or flies would have tried to lay eggs in her wound. AHHH! That's why I had to clean it twice a day. I had to keep it wet, so it would heal from the inside out. Otherwise it would have sealed over, and stayed infected inside and would have burst again only worse. The infection would have spread and done a lot of damage.

Next week I only work three days! Necessary preparation time. Must prepare box 5! Hahaha. The week after that, BJ is coming. I can't wait! I have no idea what we're going to do, but it won't matter once he gets here. Everything will seem so worth while, I'm sure of it. So my next update should be less...disturbing. Til then!


Saturday, June 18, 2005

I must be brief! I'm in Missouri, outside Six Flags at the hotel. Tomorrow we head to Cohoama Mississippi to do our actual missions work. So far we've had a minor fender bender, and over used a new cool expression... "That's so salsa!"...don't ask me where it came from. Something Josh and Tom made up. "Yeah daddy!"

So after way too long on a bus, we did six flags today. Wee! I only got four hours there, because I'm a leader. Time to go pick up the other students and bring them back here. I look forward to some sleep. Anyway, I don't think I'll get to update again before I get back, but hey...thought I'd try!

Love you all! Bye!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I have a dream. I have many. Why do I have to wake up each day? Dang it. Anyway. Caribou has been incredibly interesting as of late. To me anyway. Not to anyone who doesn't work there I'm sure. The drive-thru is closed for remodeling, and so I've gotten to work bar for 3 days. Wee! I've actually had a pretty awesome time. It's fun.

So anyway. A break in routine is always appreciated. The first day we closed the entire store, and some people were pretty mad. No one else was working but me. I got to sit outisde Caribou and hand out free coffee to potentially angry customers. Instead, they were so touched by the sentiment, that they gave me tip money. YES! Score!

I was on my phone a lot that day, and I actually ended up booking BJ's plane ticket over the phone with Kelly. YES! So he's officially coming. I'm very excited.

I leave for Mississippi tomorrow night with Jamie and the rest of the First Lutheran crew for the annual mission trip. I'm excited, and I'm not. I've never done anything like that before, so it should be interesting. I'm supposed to be in charge of people! Bah! We'll see how that goes. If they knew how nervous I was about all that, maybe they'd change their minds about letting me be in charge of stuff.

So I have to go to a meeting tonight at work about the new drive-thru. They scheduled it for tonight, because I "the drive-thru queen" have to be there. I think that's hilarious! I really do. It's supposed to be a motivational meeting. We'll see about that.

In other news, I don't really have any. The plane ticket aside (because that is not a part of this at all...that's a different account) I am having money issues. The check card I use for things takes forever to go through, apparently, so the money just hangs out in my account and confuses the crap outta me. And Curves is supposed to take things out the same time every month, but she never does, so I never know when it's leaving me... I never go there anyway. Bleck. Not only that, but I've had to pay for everything for Jamie's mission trip, and now he has no money for food. I want to pull my hair out. I have no money for me, let alone him. AND... Darla might be sick, and I made a deal with Kelly about how to pay for her vet visit, but this is why I didn't want the money to stay in my account, because I knew I'd have things I had to pay for, and when the time came I wouldn't have enough for Darla. If I knew maybe how much money I HAD in my account I could figure things out, but everything is nuts. I'm going crazy.

We're celebrating Father's Day early, and I can't get him anything. I missed Nikki's birthday, and I can't get her anything. I haven't gotten Haylie anything, and I can't. After the trip, I'll figure everything out. The money will build back up again like usual, and I'll breathe easy.

So now I'm at the library, I was going stir crazy. Sunnie and my mom had this huge argument about me needing a car today to do alst minute errands and so I would have a way to get to my meeting, so Sunnie made her friend come pick her up, kicking and screaming the whole time about it, and I didn't even know Sunnie was leaving me her car. My mom made her. I didn't know that was happening. So, she leaves the car and not the keys. Yeah...that works. My mom told me that I'm supposed to take my dad out for dinner tonight. Um...really? She told me that was my plan. Really? I didn't know that.

So I'm just a little...annoyed. I need to figure things out.

In other news, BJ got the job at Target! He seems to be really happy about it, which makes me really happy for him. I think it's a good move. And hey, it's Target! My favorite store in the whole wide world. That's gotta be a good thing.

Anyway, I better get going now. Time to rent my 50 cent movie (I took two quarters out of my/mom's tips) and go home. Bye!


Friday, June 10, 2005

Today To sum it up, I'm not scared of Anthony anymore. Frankly, his lack of ability to make a latte aside, he's a pretty nice guy. I have to back up.

I went to work this morning, feeling absolutely horrid. I kept coughing in the car, but I had nightmares all night about what would happen if I missed two days in a row. SO! I got there, waited for the "shiftie" and nobody showed. Dang it. So, I let myself in, checked the schedule, realized Elke had the day off, and Kate was the one who was supposed to open with me. Little hiccup...

A few days ago, Kate turned in her two weeks notice. Perfect! So, my guess? She woke up late, figured 'screw it, I'm quitting anyway' and fell back to sleep. Well, I had 15 minutes til open, and only half the work done, couldn't get ahold of Elke, which meant I had no access to cash drawers. I was so ill, and so mad, and so...tired. Tired of the whole thing! Finally, the phone rang, and there was Elke.

I pretty much started to cry as I told her "I can't do this today. I'm not okay. I'm gonna end up in the hospital!" Okay, maybe a little exaggerated, but at the time, I had to sit on the floor just so I could catch a breath.

I opened solo, and Lauren and Ashley got there not a moment too soon. They're my two new favorites. They're so amazing...anyway. I was in tears when they got there, I had been running around, and was coughing so disgustingly and gasping for air...I'm sure I freaked them out. Friday is our busiest day by far, and I just kept saying "I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do..." typically you have 5-7 people on in the morning. We had three. I couldn't do drive-thru, because I couldn't talk. We were all running around like c razy people, and I was about to collapse.

To sum things up, I survived. Elke got there, and about half an hour later the 6:30 people got there. Anthony was scheduled to come pass out coupons (because we're closing the drive-thru for a few days) but he ended up working behind the counter instead.

Elke was either trying to be really nice to me, or she didn't want to get in trouble for having someone as sick as myself actually working. SO! She had me in the back folding towels for about an hour. Anthony came back there, found out I was sick, and asked me if I was going home. I kind of gave him the "can I do that?" look, so he told me to just let Elke know. I told him I felt guilty for being paid to fold towels, and he said "Somebody's got to do it. It has to get done eventually. Sit back and relax, don't worry about it." -- hmmm...he likes me!

Even though Elke seems to like me, I'm still afraid of her. So, I worked my butt off for awhile, and had to keep running in the back for little coughing spasms. Anthony heard one and told me I should leave. I told him I didn't know how... so he went and told Elke that I was going home. I got ready to leave, and I said "I'm sorry" to Elke, and she said "You should have just come to me." So, she felt like she had gotten in trouble I guess. Argh. Oh, well. They need me.

So I went home at 9! Two whole hours early. YAY! I ate breakfast and watched cartoons with Jamie, and then I took a nap. It was glorious. Then i woke up, got the house to myself, watched a weird movie on IFC, and then Sarah called.

I got all the details about her new baby girl! It is my pleasure to announce the arrival of:

Haylie Marie Olson-Shafer, born Tuesday, June 7th at 11:37pm. She weighed 7lbs and 7oz, and was 20 inches long.

Sarah has told me I'm going to be a big part of Haylie's life, but we'll see. It's weird, really. It was strange to hear a baby whimper in the background, and hear Sarah say "Shh, mommy's got you." In my mind, we're still in 8th grade drooling over Leonardo DiCaprio and competing over who could see Titanic the most before it left the theaters. She's still the kid that made music videos with me on the roof, and she's the girl who camped out in the backyard with me. It really doesn't seem that long ago, and that's mostly because it wasn't. Everything changed so fast. I hope she'll be okay.

Anyway, not much else happened today. I got attacked by a lightsaber while on the phone with BJ, that was pleasant...I played sequence! It was me and Sunnie against Dad and Paul. Nobody beats my dad. Why do I even bother? I need a better partner. Te-he-he. No offense, Sunnie!

So that's about where I am now. Sunnie and Paul went to the new Cold Stone Creamery next door to the White Bear Township theater. I've only been to the one in TMOA and Riverdale. It's good stuff, it is indeed. (BJ-- Do they have Cold Stone Creamery in Alabama? Hmm...)

So...that's all for now. Tomorrow I have to close. I've never done that before! We'll see how that goes. Should be interesting. Bye!


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Yucky. I hate sick days. True, you get to stay in bed all day, but it gets so boring! You have nothing better to do than realize just how crappy you really feel. It was a weird day.

Nobody called to harass me, so I guess that's a good thing. I still woke up at five, because I'm programmed. At first I thought I was late. I dozed off a few times, but couldn't really sleep. Then the weird stuff happened...

My mom kept calling my cell phone from the livingroom because she wanted me to come watch "The View". They were doing a segment on irregular periods. Okay, wake up your ill daughter for that why don't you? SO I went back to bed. Then, she brought me breakfast in bed at around 11:30. Uh...what? I must have been dreaming. But no! She brought me scrambled eggs, a cinnamon bagel from Panera (Which if you haven't experienced, you really should...) a bowl of sliced oranges, a glass of grape juice, and a tea pot, tea cup, and three types of tea to choose from. All I could do was blink. I was literally stunned. I wanted to get out my camera and document the occasion. It was like having my mom from 15 years ago make a brief comeback.

She disappeared a few hours later when she asked me t o clean out the refridgerator. Boring, loneely day really. But BJ just called! So...bye!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

This should be short. I'm in bed with Sunnie's laptop. Why? I'm sick. I'm really sick, actually. I can't talk. I try, and people tell me to shut up. But in a good way...hehehe. I still went to work today. I hope I infected people. Hahaha.

I got home today and slept for awhile. After a not so fun conversation with my mom. She's like, asking me about certain plans I may or may not have for the future. She's questioning a future that might not even exist at the moment, but she's afraid it isn't good enough. BAH! Crazy woman. She wants me to start managing the family finances, so I'll be better prepared. What kind of sense does that make? I'm not going to go to an immediate family of five, so whatever. It will be totally different!

Oh, well. It was fun...not. So, I slept, and eveerything kept getting progressively worse. Now, I'm just really sick. Between Mom, Dad, and BJ...the three of them forbid me from going to work tomorrow. My dad is legitimately afraid that I'm working myself to death, because I always seem to be sick. Can't say it isn't true...I am sick a lot. It's the Caribou Death Plan. Only $65 out of every pay check! Hahaha. So, what did the parentals do?

After forbidding me from working, dad called and left a message on Elke's phone, and mom called Caribou and left a message with whoever w as in charge at the moment. Probably Karley. Should be interesting come tomorrow morning. I don't doubt that my phone will ring at 5:30am. Even BJ was offering to call. It's nice to be looked out for. I haven't slept in in over a month...I wonder if I know how... we'll find out!

I guess that's all for now. I'm supposed to be sleeping... dad just came home with two giant bottles of cough syrup. They must be tired of listening to me. Haha. Bye!

The one and only

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hey, I'm doing pretty good with this whole keeping up with the journal thing. Not that I really ever have anything interesting to say. It just makes me feel somewhat productive. So anyway. Today!

Caribou is a disease factory. No one can call in sick, so wejust keep trading illnesses. I'm happy to report I've got a brand new one this week! Wee! (BJ if you read this before I talk to you next, please promise not to make fun of me...) I sound absolutely ridiculous. Sunnie is having run retaliating. I made fun of her when she sounded like this about a week ago. Oh, well. I shall survive. Elke better not put me on drive-thru tomorrow! That would be silly. I was on it all day today, and I just kept getting worse. The customers were laughing at me.

After work I fell over on my bed and didn't get up. My mom actually told me to stay in bed and rest. I was shocked! I drifted in and out as my mom yelled things down the stairs to Sunnie over and over again. She does that at all hours! I think I napped for about an hour total.

Sunnie had gone to the grocery store and bought us each something to eat with mom's money (bwa-ha-ha) since there's nothing in the house! Sunnie always does that when mom sends her to the store. She gives her a blank check, and Sunnie throws a few extra things in and conveniently loses the receipt. She's so funny!

After we ate we watched Oprah, and then we talked for awhile. That's rare, so it was nice. She finally came out and told me that it's been bothering her that I've been seeing a little more of Lurae then I was before. But there is a history there, as strained and awkward as it may be. Truth of the matter is, is that you can't have Nikki without Lurae. Not only that, but beggars can't be choosers. I don't see many people, so I appreciate those I do see. They all really like me, so I guess it can't be ALL bad...hehehe.

After that, Sunnie said she was bored, and just like every other time she's ever said that, I suggested a movie. She actually agreed! We went to go see "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". I just KNEW she'd like it, and I've been trying to convince her of it forever. She really DID like it, and I was victorious. We came home, and here I am.

I was rummaging around in my bottom dresser drawer, the *junk* drawer, and I found the lyrics to the two songs I've written...I'm sure there have been more, but these ones actually had a memorable melody. This one called "What Makes Me", I wrote and played for this one girl, and she said it was the most personal song she had ever heard, and wanted my permission to perform it. It didn't really happen, but I was flattered nonetheless. So here are the lyrics:

Without what makes me me, I am nothing. Without what makes me live, I am dead. Without what makes me soar I am falling, without what makes me light, I am lead.

You are what makes me laugh and I am smiling. You are what gives me hope, now I can try. You are what I believe in, no more crying. You are what gives me strength, now I can fly.

Flying, no longer falling. If I'm falling it's into your arms. Laughing, no longer crying. If I'm crying it's tears of joy.

Without what makes me me, I am nothing.

And I was actually pretty proud of the melody, and the piano part I wrote. I recorded it once...I wonder what happened to that tape. Huh. Anyway! I'm squeaky and exhausted, so I'm gonna go now. But first! I have to find another job. Caribou corporate has decided our store must open earlier. We already open the earliest! I'd have to wake up at 3:30 every me.


Monday, June 06, 2005

Curse sunburns. They make me sick. Literally. Made work Hell. I almost fell over a few times. Partly because I kept tripping over the stress mats, but partly because I was just...icky. It was a fun day. I couldn't wait to get home.

So when I got off work, I had to go pick up that cake from my Grandma. I brought it home, and my mom took one look at me and was actually compassionate. "Oh, no! What's wrong with you?" I told her about my sunburn and how it made me ill, and how I just wanted to lay down. I was a little confused when she agreed. When I woke up around 2:30, I realized that she had left me a chore list. Thank goodness! I thought the world was coming to an end. So what did I have to do? Agh...

So. If you've ever been to the Killmer household, we've most likely avoided showing you our f ront closet at all costs. Why? Because it's SCARY. My mom is a shoe fanatic, and a jacket/coat fiend, and no oone else is allowed to have anything in there. But when we leave shoes in the entryway, they just get tosssed in. Pretty soon we have a chest deep mountain of crap.

I was instructed to clean that out today, removing any and all shoes that were not my mother's. That's not fair! We wear shoes too! So we all have to keep our shoes and coats in our rooms, so my mom can have yet another closet to herself. (She kicked my dad out of the one in their room, he has to keep all his stuff in the laundry room. She has the spare closet in Jamie's room, and the front closet is all hers as well.)

The closet is perfect now, thank you. And the laundry is done. I cleaned out my room too! I re-organized my CDs which I've only needed to do for about the past year and a half.

After all my busy work I made dinner, and that's about it. A boring day, really. Now Kris is showing me pictures from when I was in Alabama, so I'm gonna go enjoy those and maybe write more later. Bye!


Sunday, June 05, 2005

I was determined to have a good day today. I think I did a pretty good job! Got up early and woke Jamie up. He was only moderately crabby. I made a tiny little breakfast of english muffins and the bottom of a box of raisin bran, and about 1/4 inch of milk in the bottom of the gallon. Wee! There's NO food here! Then we went to church to begin a long day of the car wash fundraiser. Got there by 8am, and had to attend the traditional service...*yawn* I just can't...I find it so hard to focus in there. Just not my cup of tea. So anyway. After that the washing began! I was still exhausted from the week, so I tried...but I always get stuck with the "Ditzy Chicks" they're so annoying!!!

My group of girls a nd myself were at a washing station (There's the money station, pre-rinse, 2 scrubbing stations, post-rinse, and drying) We were washing station #1, and they kept giggling, fighting over who got to wash the butt. We then rotated to the towel dry station, and then we got to go stand on Hwy 61 and hold up car wash signs.

One of the kids f rom another group approached me. (He's 17) and asked me if I would go buy him a pack of cigarettes from the gas station next to the church. I am required to report such behavior to Perry, which I hate...but I had to do. So, needless to say I lost my "Coolest youngest leader" reputation with about a dozen teenage boys. Oh, well!

so, the car wash ended a round 1:30, and then I went home. Got yelled at for somethinig...I wasn't r eally listening. Then I went and took a nap. Then I went to Grammy's! I realized I hadn't eaten in...well, my measly breakfast crumbs aside, I hadn't eaten anything real in about 2 days. So Grammy invited me over for "treats".

We had the best conversation! For once she wasn't defending mom, together we were trying t o come up with ways to live with her and try to understand what goes on inside her head. She told me it feels like she's living with an alcoholic again. She said she's tired of people bringing her down and making her feel bad for everything. She's tired of feeling guilty and making excuses. She's tired of someone insisting she's the victim, and honestly believing that we're always attacking her. Usually Grandma defends my mom to no end, but this time she was just grateful to have me to vent to.

I then shared stories she had never heard, and she was like "How do you survive? You've got it worse than anyone." I told her that I had to laugh about it, or I'd think I was going crazy. It really made me feel less alone.

She told me this one story that almost made my jaw drop off completely. One time my mom called her, and she answered the phone differently, like she was tired or something, so my mom goes "What's wrong? I was in a good mood before, but now you brought me right down when you answer the phone that way." Grandma tried to explain, but inistead mom said "I don't feel like being on the phone right now". and hung up!!!!

Oh goodness. Funny funny. Anyway. Then I was fed! Happy tummy. We watched "Somewhere in Time" which I had never seen, but had heard a lot about it from quite a few people. Then we watched the first half of the Tony Awards (My pal Hugh Jackman was hosting. We go way back) and then I went home. I walked in the door and got crabbed at for not bringing home the chocolate cake Grammy made for us. I'm picking it up tomorrow after work, because the frosting hadn't been made yet. Mom's response? "Now it won't be fresh. Thanks for thinking of your family, Corrie. You could have waited a little while longer. You know I'm really finicky about that kind of stuff. You might as well not pick it up at all."

BAH. Grandma is allergic to chocolate, and she made a triple chocolate cake for us, made with cocoa, chocolate pudding mix, and chocolate chips. Yeah right I won't pick it up! The woman is a saint. She tortures herself. It will be one day old for gosh sake.

So now here I am listening to "Misery" but only because it j ust popped up on my playlist. I love that song. "Misery is what I feel, when you're not around, so I can't heal...the tears on my face are there for you. I wish that I could hold you, touch you, feel you. My heart is bleeding can't you see? I wish that you could hold me, touch me, feel me. When I touch you can you feel it? When I need you, can you give it? When I look in your eyes, can you see me? When I fall fall, will you catch me?" That song made so much happen back in the day! Word.

Ooh, remember the misery moment from the TMOA concert? "Ooh! Look! Jeff took Angel, and look! Scott is glaring. GLARING! Clint says, oh what's wrong? Well, take a look buddy...huh? Wha---oh! WOW!' To most people I'm speaking a foreign language right now. But not to those select few. Bwa-ha-ha! That moment was magic. That whole thing was magic! It felt like I planned it, but I didn't! Anyway...

Kelly just told me she got her job back at Andy's Place! WEE! AND she has a place to live and most likely a car. She's got a plan to start with, and she'll go far. Drama director with me, yippee! Then I can leave it in her hands when I run

So I think I'm gonna go watch something and get sleepy. I feel good about today...except the sun burned part, that I noticed abouot 2 hours ago. Ick... Well, that's all for now!

TTFN! Ta-ta for now! Unless you're the select few, and then it means something totally different.

Oh! New song popped up! Written and originally sung by John Denver, but wonderfully covered on AI by none other than RJ Helton. One of the best songs ever written! Observe:

You fill up my senses, like a night in the forest, like the mountains in spring time, like a walk in the rain , like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean, you fill up my senses come fill me again.

Come let me love you, let me give my life to you. Let me drown in your laughter let me die in your arms. Let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you. You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

Just thought I'd share! I'm going now...I swear.

C'est moi!

Automatic lie. Nobody REALLY wants to hear the truth when they ask "How are you?" They expect the generic "Good, Fine, Okay, Not bad..." etc. etc. It's an automatic lie. Even if life is terrible, you respond with one of those cookie cutter answers, because honesty is not an option in casual conversation. If it is, chances are it's an unwanted option for the party inquiring after your surface well being. It's a harmless lie really, but sometimes you wish you could throw caution to the wind and tell everyone what's really on your mind. If only you could know without a doubt that they really wanted to hear it.

Oh, well! That's what a journal is for, right? I'm just annoyed with myself today, I think that's all it is. It was a normal day, I don't know why I'm boo-hooing about it.

I worked 5:30-11. It went by really fast. Everyone was making me laugh. Drive-thru was its typical self, but all went well. No disasters. I got to take a turkey sandwich and pasta salad home from the case, but I forgot it in the back fridge. (dang it) After work I went quick to McDonald's across the street to get Megan a double cheeseburger. She was thrilled.

After that, I went home. Mom was still sleeping, but Jamie was up. I had brought him a cooler, so that put him in an appreciative and amiable mood. So, I decided to take advantage of it. He had to go to the Tearoom to tell them the real dates for the Missions Trip. I had to go to Wal-Mart to get a movie poster frame for the Phantom poster BJ bought for me. (Gotta love him!)

So we did that, and then I spent the rest of the money I had to put more gas in mom's car. I just did it two days ago, but she drove everywhere and it was back to empty. Last time she did that with all my gas money, I decided to leave the car as was, and that was a mistake. I never heard the end of my "selfishness" blah blah blah, and how fortunate yet again I was to have a mother like her. So this time I figured I'd start Saturday out right, put mom in a good mood, and put money in the car so she could drive around and waste it all. Yay. Apparently I can do no right.

I got home, and got screamed at for taking the car. I told her i went to go put gas in it, and that wasn't okay. I can't win! I said "You would have been upset if I brought the car home empty." and she said "That's for me to decide! You have to ask!" AHHHHH! She was sleeping!

Yesterday she had told me to work on the laundry, but not to wash any of her stuff. So I did. I ran out of stuff to wash that wasn't hers, so heaven forbid...I did my OWN laundry. (I had no clothes left, it only made sense.) Well, apparently that wasn't okay either.

I was on the phone with BJ at the time. Had she known, she probably would have left me alone. HOWEVER...that was not an option. So she decided to pick the argument about the car over again, and then said "I just went downstairs and folded a ll of your clothes. I'm so disappointed. I told you to fold the laundry and bring it up." Well, I did I told her. And then I did more laundry. But she says "I told you not to touch any of my things, and you went and put my things in the dryer anyway..." No I didn't!!!!! She crabbed at me forever, and I could feel my spirit getting crushed. YOu just feel...deflated. She lives in her fantasy world, where if you exist, you only exist as the villain.

So anyway. Mom and dad went counter top shopping. I watched "Celeste In The City" on abc family, and then I talked to BJ a little more. Sometime after that, I fell asleep. Naps are kind of life saving. My mom leaves me alone when I'm sleeping. Mostly because she forgets I'm there. I was just exhausted. I think this 5 am every single say is getting to me. (duh)

So, when my mom is pretending I don't exist, I can tolerate it. Granted I hate being "the girl upstairs" but hey. It's better than being the target of verbal...crap. She only talks to me when it's negative, or she needs me to do something for her. Oh, well. So, physical and emotional exhaustion set in. She's been on my back ever since I got back from Alabama. It almost seems right. You have a good couple a days, and then there's a backlash. Happy? You were HAPPY? No, no, no. It's like... bait. A smile is like a red flag. ATTACK! Go Penny go! I'm exaggerating. I know. Maybe...

So, I was tired. I fell asleep and woke up a little after 11pm. WHOA! Which explains why I'm still awake. I probably will be for awhile. I got up though, and everyone had eaten Taco Bell. I was moderately excited, because I hadn't eaten in forever because there is NO non-mom only food in this house. So I asked if there was any for me. My mom glares at me and says "No. YOu were asleep." So I said "Oh." That's all I said! But she went off on me! "You were asleep! What did you expect? If we would have woken you up you would have been mean and crabby to everyone." I tried to respond, but it was a lost cause. So then she said "Besides. A few days ago you got KFC and didn't give me any. Now you know how I feel. It feels terrible doesn't it? When you feel like no one thinks about you? Now you know. I told you I wouldn't let that slide." Well, true...i bought Sunnie and I some lunch and we brought it home. My mom was on her way out when she saw the bag in my hand. She asked if we would split it with her. I said we only got enough for two because she wasn't home when we left. She threw a fit and was like "Fine. I see how it is! I would never do that to you. You're so selfish. You only think about yourself." Well, we got sandwiches! We were each supposed to give her half? That's not cool... but she wouldn't speak to me for awhile after that.

So back to Taco Bell, after she brought up KFC from 2 WEEKS AGO, my dad, to pacify my mom and make her feel like that was a legitimate argument turns to me and says "Ooh! Payback sucks, doesn't it?" Victory for mom! YOu could tell by the smirk on her face. I shut up and left the room. Oh wait, I had shut up a long time ago. She was having the argument with herself, that's right. All I did was ask if there was any Taco Bell left. Darn me and my evil ways. I deserve to be shot.

So yet another reason why my eating habits suck. I must admit...I really wish I hadn't forgotten that sandwich and the salad in the Caribou fridge. *sniffles* I'm really hungry. I was going to eat a candy bar from the concession stand in my theater, but...I knew I'd make myself ill if that was all I had in my stomach. Maybe I'll go eat an egg. Bleck...I don't want an egg. Argh.

So, enough whining about mommy dearest. I really should apologize. I don't like being the whiner. The one with all the problems. The girl everyone feels sorry for. I know how to prevent a lot of these situations, I just...don't. I could try to be the perfect child, but for my mom, I really don't think that child exists.

So, a few tears later I got over it. I feel like I'm going nuts. Why do I stay here? People ask me why I want to leave and I can't put it into words. One time, I cracked myself up when I responded. "I don't know. Why would anyone want to get out of Hell? It's toasty."

So anyway... I'm sorry I sound so bitter sometimes. I have a lot to be thankful for. My mother is just ever-present, and the stuff I'm thankful for isn't. It's hard to see the sunshine when someone keeps punching you in the eye...hahaha. That's funny. I'm hilarious. I'm going to end this now before I never stop.



Friday, June 03, 2005

Word. Yeah. Let's see. I'm in a weird mood. I was almost really upset, but I got over it. I can't let her upset me anymore. And by her I mean mom. Let me go back.

I worked open to 11 today as usual. Anthony was there taking notes and critiques again. YAY! Jola was working drive-thru though, because Elke wants me to train people to be just like me. Isn't that hilarious?? So, I was training her to be a drive-thru queen like myself, but she was so nervous, because Anthony was standing right next to her, doing a service audit on her performance. Poor thing. First time on the morning rush drive-thru too. I felt bad.

I was in a pretty good mood, except my pants kept sliding down, bringin my underwear with them. I know you all wanted to know that... but once the pants went, my shirt would come un-tucked, and that's a big no-no! People kept poking me in the back everytime my short went loose to remind me that Anthony wasn't far away, and I could get in trouble. Geez... I don't really have any pants that fit anymore. Oh, well. I could have worse problems.

I got off at 11, and went to go work out. Then I went home, showered, and mom cornered in my room because she needed to "talk" to someone. Dang it, why does that someone always have to be me?? Oh, well. So! She had lunch with my Grammy yesterday, and they had a big fight. She told me her version of it. She told her how she gets frustrated that she has to repeat herself so often. (My grammy is hard of hearing. DUH!) And my mom said she doesn't like talking on the phone, and neither do the girls (us) and so none of us really want to talk on the phone with her, because she's too long winded. THat's terrible! She was so upset. She told her that's it's hard for us to talk to her. Not true!

Grammy told my mom that all she does is talk about herself anyway, and my mom got all defensive. (Too bad grandma was right!)They make plans and my mom almost always cancels, and my Grandma is just starting to feel unloved and forgotten, and you can't really blame her. Since Kelly lives in CT, I'm the only one who goes and visits her at home. She doesn't go out as much as she used to, so you have to go to her. She goes out with Ruth, and sometimes her other friends, but when she has downtime she really gets lonely, and that's when the family that lives less than a mile away is supposed to come into play. I'm just so disappointed in my family sometimes.

In all fairness Sunnie has gotten better about going to see her, but it really can't be enough. If anything I've gotten worse with my wacky schedule. Sunnie said it herself. "All you do is work and sleep." It's the truth...which is why my wardrobe consists of little else than a Caribou uniform and pajamas.

So anyway, after giving me her high and mighty speech about how right she was, and how she put Grandma in her place, she told me how she understands her, because "When I was really sick, everyone else's lives went on, and I felt so forgotten. You all would be talking and laughing and I'd have to beg for attention." AHHH! I was so upset! She was basically saying we were all carefree and getting along without her, and how she would go from room to room and we'd ignore her. I almost threw things at her head just then. She started to cry, and say "I was so scared, and so alone, and nobody cared." OH MY GOSH!!!!

I was ill. I almost threw up. I was so...argh. Mom and dad seriously are in denial. They've erased that entire time frame from their memory. They have no idea what they're talking about when they 'look back'. It's all a bunch of crap! It infuriates me. And Kelly. She and I have vented to each other many a time. AHHHH. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode.

So, she was crying to herself and feeling sorry for herself about how she almost died and nobody cared, so I decided to go for a walk and listen to angry music.

"Just one more look and I'm gonna explode, I'm gonna self combust, I'm gonna blow up the world. Just one more word and you'll cross the line, I mean over the edge you're on thin black ice. Ooh, there's a little bit of psycho in me I confess, why'd you want to pick on me and not the rest? Does it make you feel big? Does it make you feel better? So tell me how's the weather..."

Yep. I felt better after that. We went through so so much, and we all survived. Not just her. We all almost died. Not just her. Some day she'll be able to see past herself, but I hope it won't be the day after never. Because I'm getting really....tired.

I'm always tired. She doesn't help. I need to get away, I really really do. But like I told BJ, I need options. I don't have any right now. Give me an option and I'll jump on it and not look back. I have a pretty good feel for what's right for me, and everything right now is pretty right, except for that little thing I call home. It isn't anymore, and that's un-good. I haven't found home yet, I haven't found that...peace. But I will. And soon. It's just beyond my reach...for now.

So, I walked to Lurae's garage sale, and chatted a bit, then I walked back to the library, and here I am. Perfectly content in being uncontent. Does that make sense? Ah, yes. The library makes it all better. Hehehe.

So what to do now? I think I'll go visit my Grammy dear. BJ has a job interview today, and I'm really excited for him. If he wants it, I want it...and if it happens, then it was meant to happen. I hope all goes well. I'm sure I'll hear about it tonight.

So... time for me to take my leave. My shoulders hurt from all the tension I built up...there's this large mysterious dark red mark on my shoulder, that looks like a cut or a scrape, except that it isn't. It's like... a red bruise or something, and it just appeared today! It's smooth and kind of...perfect, but it frightens me. I don't know what it is! It almost looks like I drew something on myself. Except that I didn't. (I tried scrubbing it off, so I know it isn't ink...or grape juice...or something else like that...)

Anyway...enough rambling! Bye bye, I'm really going now! (hehe!)



Thursday, June 02, 2005

I am so excited for July! I get a smoothie maker from the bank. Yup. That's the only reason I'm excited. Nothing else comes to mind. "That boy" might make an appearance. Hmmm... Yeah right! I'm so excited for BJ to come up here. It will be awesome. Should be grand...

In other news, Elke told me I'm going to be a shift supervisor. Not asked, told. Oh, well. We'll see.

So I worked, I napped, and then I went to the movies. I saw "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". It was so good! I cried through most of it. It made me sad on multiple levels. I just wish I had friends like that. Times like that. Families like that. Oh well. What I've got now ain't so bad. Some things are pretty danged good if you ask me. Other, well. They're only temporary. At least that's the attitude I'm going to attempt to adopt.

So I have nothing really interesting to say, reply to your comment, BJ... I d on't think you want to know about this dream. Mayhaps it would be better left Indeed. Well, I love you! And I more of that writing thang later.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005

At the library again. I love the library. However... there are people behind me waiting for the internet and I almost feel guilty. Oh, well. I won't take the entire 60 minutes. I just have to take a moment to document my incredibly exciting life... what the fidget? You mean I haven't got one? Oh, that's too bad.

I worked this morning my usual shift on drive-thru. We were very short handed, and I went a little crazy. I worked with Kenny for the first time in a long time, and we had fun with our sarcastic banner. He's a brat. It's enjoyable.

After work I went home and took a nap for about...mmm... four hours. I was so tired. Not lack of sleep tired, but exhaustion tired. Indeed. Then I woke up, got dressed, and decided to take a walk to the library. However, my mother trapped me with an urgent plea.

"Please Corrie! I need your help desperately. We may have over drawn at the bank. I need you to write me a check for $40.00, you'll get it all back, I promise you."

What the crap? So she's standing there...telling me to give her money. First it was 20, then it went up to 40. I couldn't say no without her making my life a living hell for awhile. So, I gave her the check. Believe me, I will get that money back if it kills me... although...she'll probably pull a "You owe me that much in back rent" and refuse to pay me back. Well, I'm keeping my tips, it's as simple as that!

So, then I walked to the library. I can't stop thinking about this dream I had. It's... so real. A little advanced as far as the time frame goes, feels like it really happened. It's altered me a bit, and it's in my head. Oh, well. I'll get over it.

In other news, these people staring me down are really getting on my nerves. I guess I'd better go now... la di da. Write more pointless updates soon I'm sure! As far as enjoyable things go, I've got nothing "better" to do.


C'est moi!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Nothing much to report. I just felt like typing. Not really sure why. Is my brain trying to tell me to write? Hmmm... work on Downside? Is that what you're trying to tell me to do? Well,'s a promise. When you're here in July, I will finish Downside. YOU will help me do it. You have your ways. :) Anyway...

So I worked today. Memorial Day. It was first. Elke was late, I opened alone. Oh, well. Then I went to Lurae's, and we watched POTO. Then Nikki and Alex came over. We all went out to eat at the Spaghetti Factory. Now I'm home...

BJ talked to Lurae for awhile today. She thought he sounded fun. That's always good! I'm glad he's getting t o know a few of the people he's going to meet in July. That's a plus. I'm really excited about all of it. It will be a good thinig.

Anyway, work early early, and my head is tired. I shall let it rest for awhile. Good night all. (I love you, BJ!) I'll talk to you soon.


Sunday, May 29, 2005

I have nothing interesting to write about, without repeating myself. My mom hates me, but I just have to let that roll away. She's nuts. I can handle it though. I think... Anyway.

Curse me and my realistic dreams! I keep thinking I'm places that I'm not, and it's really beginning to annoy me. I hate waking up, almost as much as I hate going to sleep. Sleep means saying goodbye to a certain somebody when the conversation seems impossible to end. Waking up means saying goodbye to a really good, very realistic dream. Argh.

So anyway. Today is Sunday, my one day off. Back to work early early tomorrow. Routine...BORING. But not for long! If all goes according to plan, this will be the best summer ever. Why? I actually have PLANS!!! June: I go on a Missions Trip to Mississippi. That's only about 2 weeks away. Wow! July: BJ COMES TO VISIT!! I hope, I hope. We're going to od so many awesome things. We're going to Sonshine, the drive-in movie, Valley Fair, TMOA, maybe hiking up north with Dad, lighthouse tour, and I have to come up with something fabulous for his birthday...which he plans to be here for. I want him to have a wonderful birthday. In August, Joey and Melissa are coming to stay with us for a bit. YAY! Vacation time! So I just take one week off a month, and all is well. I think July will be my favorite month...

In other news, I don't have any... at least not at the moment. So I will say goodbye for now, and go take that shower I've been needing. Woo! So ok then.

